1001. Visions 7 Jan. 97 When the Presence of the Lord filled my bedroom. Jesus Christ riding fast.
1002.Vision 13 Jan. 97 A computer monitor with railroad tracks extending in or out of screen.
1003.Vision 19 Jan. 97 A television screen or computer monitor with the reception going off and on.
1004.Vision 21 Jan. 97 a fireman’s hat, and the Space Needle was driven into the ground like a screw.
1005.Vision 25 Jan. 97 a flying blimp changed into a fish, and it’s tail was cut-off.
1006. Prophecy (story) 31 Jan. 97 A man, who lived many, many, many years ago. His name was Cleavis.
1007. Vision 3 Feb. 97 A man of dark complexion with eyes of large cut diamonds.
1008. Prophecy 7 Feb. 97 This world is going to be drawn into a battle, where the nations will fall into the trap.
1009. Prophecy 12 Feb. 97 The Lord instructed me to place Ezekiel 1-23 in Prophecy Book.
1010. Prophecy 16 Feb. 97 To correctly measure the magnitude of an earthquake...
1011. Vision 16 Feb. 97 The bomb looked like a black bowling ball.
1012. Prophecy (song) 18 Feb. 97 A Glorious day is here. Now and forever.
1013. Prophecy 18 Feb. 97 Fly. Fly. I am going to hit the devil like a fly. Fly.
1014. Dream 26 Feb. 97 I had this dream where I worked in a fruit factory.
1015. Prophecy 27 Feb. 97 The Lord said, "Cleavis, Cleavis, remember Cleavis."
1016. Vision 28 Feb. 97 A vision of a women’s Breast with Three Nipples.
1017. Vision 5 March 97 I just kept dancing and praising the Lord as I moved forward.
1018. Vision 5 Mar. 97 Large Light that looked like a river of fire and it hit the Planet.
1019. Vision 6 Mar. 97 A large black smoke stack with smoke rising into the sky.
1020. Vision 10 Mar. 97 A vision of a parking meter.
1021. Prophecy 15 Mar. 97 I am going to send an Angel, and he is going to point a star, a rock, from the sky.
1022. Vision 15 Mar. 97 A net that surrounded the whole world.
1023. Prophecy 19 Mar. 97 A vision of the Red Sea and how He parted the waters.
1024. Prophecy 21 Mar. 97 the scriptures of Isaiah Chapter 60:19-21.
1025. Vison 23 Mar. 97 A man with no head wearing a baseball uniform.
1026. Prophecy 26 Mar. 97 We are arriving at the date, the date of the end.
1027. Prophecy 26 Mar. 97 I will use the bear with the Force and the Power of God.
1028. Prophecy 10 Apr. 97 For they love more the devil than the things of God.
1029. Occurrence 14 Apr. 97 I realized the devil attacked the house.
1030. Vision 14 Apr. 97 An open grave and coffin, with a skeleton of a man inside.
1031. Vision 18 Apr. 97 A figure of a woman (Statue of Liberty).
1032. Vision 19 Apr. 97 A large Brandy Wine Glass that was as large as a oval fish bowl.
1033. Vision 24 Apr. 97 A five pointed star with an image of the planet earth in the center.
1034. Prophecy 25 Apr. 97 The horse and the hound dog are ready for the hunt. Watch the fox.
1035. Vision 25 Apr. 97 A candle about one inch in diameter and four inches high.
1036. Vision 29 Apr. 97 A burnt out church with no roof with only partial walls standing up.
1037. Prophecy 29 Apr. 97 The time is coming when the righteous things will be submerged.
1038. Vision 29 Apr. 97 Figures were wearing White Robes.
1039. Prophecy 6 May 97 If you choose the devil, the easy road, I am going to leave you.
1040. Prophecy 7 May 97 We are going to cry for the people who do not want to hear Me.
1041. Vision 7 May 97 I saw a black whirlwind spinning on top of the planet earth.
1042. Prophecy 7 May 97 The flame, the earthquake, the star of Shasta, the mountain of Shasta.
1043. Vision 7 May 97 A fireman’s water hose with a trickle of water coming out of the nozzle.
1044. Vision 8 May 97 A woman’s white high heel shoe with a brick in front of the shoe.
1045. Vision 9 May 97 A map of the world, then a bloody knife carved up the map.
1046. Prophecy 11 May 97 Fidel Castro will die for what he has done. Bill Gates is nothing. Bill Clinton is nothing.
1047. Vision 11 May 97 Geological plates looked like they were ripping apart or separating.
1048. Prophecy 12 May 97 The rat is under the table.
1049. Vision 12 May 97 In-between the safety pin wires; there was an image of a volcano.
1050. Occurrence 16 May 97 Reymundo, I want you to go to Mt. Shasta and make Three Stone Altars.
1051. Prophecy 28 May 97 It is not important to Me, what you look like.
1052. Prophecy 30 May 97 "Ray, the demonic attacks are coming from the continent of Africa."
1053. Prophecy 30 May 97 The power of the Cosa Nostra will increase in the coming months.
1054. Vision 2 June 97 Piles of dead baby pigs.
1055. Prophecy 2 June 97 Africa has the cannon of the devil.
1056. Prophecy 8 June 97 Come, come - come to My Holy Hill, My Holy Mountain - come!
1057. Prophecy 10 June 97 "Pennies from Heaven."
1058. Vision 12 June 97 A plumb bob with a Gold Ring going through the plumb line.
1059. Prophecy 13 June 97 Chapter One of the Book of Jephaniah.
1060. Prophecy 14 June 97 I know the map, and I will POINT you where to go.
1061. Vision 14 June 97 The Lord is showing me a virus. It starts off with the shape of a flower.
1062. Occurrence 14 June 97 The spiritual warfare has really increased in the past week.
1063. Vision 15 June 97 In-between these two probes there was an enormous ball of light or energy.
1064. Vision 16 June 97 This Door had a large brass looking door nob and lock.
1065. Vision 23 June 97 Three Whirlwinds spinning at the same point on the ground.
1066. Prophecy 23 June 97 The human mind cannot comprehend or understand what you are about to do.
1067. Vision 26 June 97 A vision of a bull’s head.
1068. Prophecy 29 June 97 Cosa Nostra, Cosa Nostra, the Cosa Nostra is agria.
1069. Prophecy 29 June 97 The battle of Armageddon will be fought...
1070. Prophecy 8 July 97 Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 7.
1071. Prophecy 13 July 97 The White House is of the heart of the devil.
1072. Prophecy 14 July 97 Book of Micah, and the Lord led me to Chapter 4.
1073. Prophecy 17 July 97 Beings, they call them Aliens.
1074. Prophecy 22 July 97 Who are those who dare confront the Lord?
1075. Prophecy 22 July 97 The Book of Matthew 6:12.
1076. Prophecy 25 July 97 The hammer has arrived, and the box has arrived.
1077. Prophecy 25 July 97 You have to make yourself pointed (focused).
1078. Vision 25 July 97 Vision of a upside down fish, surrounded by a pink cloud.
1079. Vision 25 July 97 The twenty-four chairs of the twenty-four elders from the Book of Revelation.
1080. Prophecy 25 July 97 I am going to bless you, and I LOVE YOU!
1081. Prophecy 25 July 97 Non-understandable Tongues.
1082. Prophecy 25 July 97 The mark of the beast will be implemented with force.
1083. Prophecy 26 July 97 Sinners, pagans, idols worshippers, satan worshippers, your time has come!
1084. Vision 26 July 97 Jesus Christ walking behind a light complexioned man.
1085. Ocurrence 23 July 1997 Mission Trip to Israel - the Anointing of Mount Zion.
1086. Occurrence 26 July 97 The Anointing of Mount Zion.
1087. Prophecy 26 July 97 Mister Juan Lopez, and Peter Sanchez, from Argentina. "This is Ruth."
1088. Vision 27 July 97 A river of flowing bones, skulls, and arms.
1089. Vision 27 July 97 A vision of this white cross. Star of David.
1090. Vision 27 July 97 On the side of gear teeth there was a fish.
1091. Vision 27 July 97 I see this large round black kettle full of water.
1092. Vision 27 July 97 I see a pole in a vertical position and it has a cross on top.
1093. Vision 27 July 97 A sword splits her in half from the forehead down to her feet.
1094. Vision 27 July 97 I see the words "Swords into plowshares" from Isaiah 2:4.
1095. Vision 27 July 97 An elephant stepping on a high platform.
1096. Vision 27 July 97 A saucer shape with a black candle holder underneath with a lit candle.
1097. Vision 28 July 97 The Lord gave me some kind of letters.
1098. Prophecy 28 July 97 The turtle’s head will be cut off.
1099. Vision 28 July 97 An egg standing on it’s point with blue and white rings around it.
1100. Vision 28 July 97 A vision of some kind of musical horn.
1101. Vision 28 July 97 A vision of an large area of darkness.
1102. Occurrence 28 July 97 I felt myself spinning and elevating higher, higher, and higher in the spirit someplace.
1103. Prophecy 28 July 97 My Hand goes straight to Israel.
1104. Occurrence 29 July 97 Something grabbed my left foot and would not let me go.
1105. Vision 30 July 97 The image of the planet earth was the end of the shuttlecock.
1106. Vision 30 July 97 A vision of Three Horses pulling one Chariot.
1107. Prophecy 3 Aug. 97 My People of Israel, listen to My Words. An Altar using the ways of man. Exodus: 20:25
1108. Vision 8 Aug 97 A bright white human skull with a large diamond placed in each eye socket.
1109. Vision 29 Aug 97 The dragon used the back of it’s tail and struck the Continent of South America.
1110. Occurrence 29 Aug 97 To the place where He first introduced Himself to me.
1111. Vision 9 Sept. 97 The face of a black woman with very short hair about ¼ " high.
1112. Occurrence 9 Sept. 97 The Lord revealed to me that reading the Bible is like going to a movie.
1113. Vision 16 Sept. 97 Mt. Shasta had an enormous black ball on top of the mountain.
1114. Vision 27 Sept. 97 I can see this soldier on top shooting the people in this hole or pit.
1115. Prophecy 7 Oct. 97 The wolf and the bear will clash in the month of November.
1116. Prophecy 7 Oct. 97 "What does the writing point of a pencil have to do with the eraser?"
1117. Prophecy 14 Oct.97 "Shoes, Shoes, the Shoes of God are going to move."
1118. Occurrence 20 Oct.97 I noticed a very strong odor that smelled like women’s perfume.
1119. Occurrence 3 Nov. 97 "When the arrow strikes, and hits the bucket."
1120. Prophecy 3 Nov. 97 "When Bill Gates falls, will begin the beginning of the end."
1121. Occurrence 3 Nov. 97 The prophecy about Bill Gates left me totally exhausted.
1122. Occurrence 14 Nov.97 The taking the Holy Wine with His Disciples at the Last Supper in the upper room.
1123. Prophecy 14 Nov. 97 Vineyard church of San Francisco.
1124. Occurrence 14 Nov.97 A web site had many, many Internet awards on it.
1125. Vision 21 Nov. 97 "Why do you put the LORD to the test?"
1126. Vision 23 Nov. 97 I saw a Knife come down from Heaven and cut off half of the fox’s left ear.
1127. Vision 28 Nov. 97 The ground was removed from under the tree, where I could see all of it’s roots.
1128. Prophecy 29 Nov. 97 All that have eyes are going to see, if they know the Father.
1129. Prophecy 1 Dec. 97 I know that people are going to get mad, but do not worry, for I am with you.
1130. Prophecy 2 Dec.97 Tell Mark, that he has moved from the exposed iceberg to below the waterline.
1131. Prophecy 3 Dec. 97 Saddam Hussein will fall with a vengeance.
1132. Prophecy 7 Dec. 97 In My Father’s House, there are many mansions
1133. Prophecy 7 Dec. 97 "Which is more important - the Knife or the Stone?"
1134. Prophecy 7 Dec. 97 "Those who hear My Voice, recognize Me!"
1135. Prophecy 17 Dec. 97 Merry Christmas, a waterline with water below and air above.
1136. Prophecy 18 Dec. 97 Many Visions and a few Prophecies.
1137. Prophecy 21 Dec. 97 Hear the Word of God with the Ears of God! "The Wine!"
1138. Prophecy 22 Dec. 97 The Lord said, "Amy Grant’s song, Somewhere down the road, is Prophetic."
1139. Prophecy 23 Dec. 97 Pastor Alexander.
1140. Vision 28 Dec. 97 Christmas tree and the church of man.
1141. Prophecy 29 Dec. 97 The tower of Babel.
1142. Prophecy 31 Dec. 97 If I walked into their churches today.
1143. Vision 11 Jan. 98 A vision of a hand.
1144. Vision 11 Jan. 98 A vision of a red hair woman.
1145. Prophecy 13 Jan. 98 "Can a baby in a woman's womb hear?"
1146. Vision 20 Jan 98 A White Candle.
1147. Prophecy 2 Feb. 98 Words from Heaven.
1148. Prophecy 6 Feb. 98 Forgive the nun.
1149. Occurrenc 23 Feb. 98 "What HAPPENED Lord?"
1150. Prophecy 24 Feb. 98 Make yourself strong, Reymundo!
1151. Prophecy 27 Feb. 98 The fighting in the spirit around Reymundo.
1152. Vision 27 Feb. 98 Playing baseball with God.
1153. Occurrence 27 Feb. 98 Seek a new wife.
1154. Prophecy 2 March 98 A self-inking Rubber Stamp.
1155. Vision 5 March 98 A linked chain of Saddam Hussein.
1156. Prophecy 7 March 98 A Prophecy that came with Power!
1157. Prophecy 13 March 98 Believe it or not - the End is Coming!
1158. Prophecy 17 March 98 The tiger and the woman.
1159. Vision 18 March 98 A 5 ft. Ball, a woman with red hair with no face.
1160. Occurrence 19 March 98 Warfare!
1161. Prophecy 21 March 98 President Clinton - chicken soup.
1162. Vision 22 March 98 A sword, submarine periscope, a Lit White Candle, and truck on its side.
1163. Vision 25 March 98 A submerged volcano & vision of a Large Capital J
1164. Vision 3 April 98 Seven Swords craving the planet. A Wine Glass, Cymbals and Flood Light.
1165. Vision 6 April 98 A vision of a plumb.
1166. Vision 14 April 98 Madonna with Child.
1167. Vision 30 April 98 The bottom half of the Eiffel Tower with a ball on top of it. A black earth.
1168. Vision 4 May 98 An aquarium with dirt in it.
1169. Vision 9 May 98 A circular crystal.
1170. Occurrence 13 May 98 A spiritual attack.
1171. Prophecy 28 May 98 Ishmael will come from the north.
1172. Vision 1 June 98 A half full Glass of Wine with a Hand coming out of it.
1173. Vision 3 June 98 A Candle and lit wick.
1174. Prophecy 3 June 98 Ring the Bell the End is Here!
1175. Prophecy 5 June 98 The Jail of God. Chain the devil like a dog!
1176. Prophecy 5 June 98 Remember the Carpenter!
1177. Vision 9 June 98 An Eagle flying and casting a WHITE SHADOW!
1178. Occurrence 11 July 1998 Web sites confirmations.
Vision and Prophecy 15 July 98 A folded mirror (Glory, Power and Majesty
of God), My Holy Hill is Holy.
1180. Occurrence 15 July 98 Ezekiel Chapter 24.
1181. Vision 18 July 98 The ground swallowing a rabbit.
1182. Vision 16 July 98 A spider and a moth.
1183. Vision 15 July 98 A vision of a serpent with a fish in it's mouth.
1184. Vision 27 July 98 An owl with the beak that looks like a ram's horn.
1185. Occurrence 29 July 98 Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher and The Jerry Springer Show
1186. Prophecy 6 August 98 The advertising of the Prophecies.
1187. Occurrence 6 August 98 Spiritual Warfare.
1188. Vision 6 August 1998 A vision of a satellite.
1189. Vision 7 August 1998 Locus are going to invade farms and eat the food of man.
1190. Prophecy 16 August 1998 Beware of the crooked cross!
Prophecy 18 August 1998 President Clinton.
Prophecy 20 August 1998 Matthew 24, and the ten virgins.
Prophecy 25 August 1998 I believe this prophecy is about the pig and
the Body of Christ.
Vision 27 August 1998 A whirlwind of money.
Prophecy 28 August 1998 The tiger and the bear.
Vision 29 August 1998 A candle in the shape of the letter j.
1197. Vision 29 August 1998 A colored fabric that looked like a flag.
Prophecy 29 August 1998 Get your clothes ready for the wedding.
Prophecy 30 August 1998 Get your camera and take a picture of God.
Vision 30 August 1998 An image of the flag of Japan.
Vision 31 August 1998 "The tree will be cut down, but the Body will
yet live!"
1202. Prophecy 5 September 1998 "Reymundo, remember Gideon!"
Vision 7 September 1998 A dead fish ready to be butchered and eaten.
1204. Vision 7 September 1998 The skeleton of the fish in the water it began to swim.
1205. Occurrence 3 September 1998 I hit something strange on the road with my car.
1206. Occurrence 10 Septembe 1998 Spiritual warfare.
Prophecy 10 September 1998 The hour no one knows!
Prophecy 26 September 1998 You laugh and mock God.
1209. Occurrence 1 Oct 1998 I am shocked!
Prophecy 3 Oct 1998 War on the ocean will go to the land of Japanese.
Prophecy 4 Oct 1998 The devil is going to hit South America three times.
1212. Occurrence and Visions 6 Oct. 1998 Large wings, Rider, Jehovah, and Heaven.
1213. Prophecy 1 Nov. 1998 I want you to pray at 7 and at 3.
1214. Vision 6 Nov. 1998 A triangular opening on top of a stone mountain.
1215. Vision 11 Nov. 1998 A tall high rise building with a halo around it.
1216. Occurrence 13 Nov. 1998 A spiritual shock wave, that was going around the world.
1217. Prophecy 13 Nov. 1998 He blew the balloon!
1218. Vision 19 Nov. 1998 A vision of three fish.
1219. Vision 25 Nov. 1998 Knobs of a cooking stove.
1220. Vision 28 Nov. 1998 A live Zebra came out of the suit case.
1221. Prophecy 5 Dec. 1998 The wind from the north will come; will freeze.
1222. Vision 5 Dec. 1998 A cobra wrapped around the pyramid.
1223. Occurrence 13 Dec. 1998 Jack Van Impe Ministries.
1224. Occurrenc 15 Dec. 1998 Go to a high place in the Bay Area and to curse it three times.
1225. Vision 2 Jan. 1999 Something hot hit the two eyes of the Egyptian Sphinx.
1226. Prophecy 17 Jan. 1999 Homosexuality and promoting it in the house of God.
1227. Prophecy 20 Jan. 1999 The lady with red hair and Russia are the same, but different.
1228. Prophecy 26 Jan. 1999 The Lord instructed me to go to Paris.
1229. Vision 27 Jan. 1999 A vision of a bear sleeping in a cave.
1230. Occurrence 4 Feb. 1999 For what is going to die and what is going to live.
1231. Vision 7 Feb. 1999 A bear eating a rat - head first.
1232. Occurrence 9 Feb. 1999 I realize that the spiritual warfare has increased.
1233. Occurrence 10 Feb. 1999 The vile and the evilness of Abortion.
1234. Occurrence 12 Feb. 1999 Warfare, and prayer time at a friends house.
1235. Occurrence 19 Feb 1999 Europe Mission trip.
1236. Prophecy 20 Feb. 1999 Europe trip and a prince of darkness.
1237. Prophecy 20 Feb. 1999 Jesus speaks about Europe Trip.
1238. Occurrence 21 Feb. 1999 The ground of Europe became evil.
1239. Vision 21 Feb. 1999 President Clinton nude in a bathtub.
1240. Prophecy 22 Feb. 1999 Go to the City of Jerusalem.
1241. Vision 22 Feb. 1999 End time vision (#2. Vision) from 1990.
1242. Occurrence 25 Feb. 1999 Europe trip and the unexplained.
1243. Vision 27 Feb. 1999 Soldiers carrying rifles crossing a shallow river.
1244. Prophecy 28 Feb. 1999 "The Court of God is Ready".
1245. Vision 28 Feb. 1999 A cloud in the shape of a man was wearing army uniform.
1246. Vision 27 Feb. 1999 A vision of a pick and banner from #46 Prophecy.
1247. Vision 4 March 1999 A red horse walking in shallow water.
1248. Prophecy 4 March 1999 Go to Lyon, France and Geneva, Switzerland.
1249. Prophecy 6 March 1999 The perimeter around Israel the Lord said, "300 Kilometers".
1250. Vision & Prophecy 6 March 1999 "The Hammer is about to strike! Be prepared. Be ready."
1251. Vision 9 March 1999 A large right shoe print covering all of the countries of Europe.
1252. Occurrence 16 March 1999 Europe trip.
1253. Vision 17 March 1999 The wine bottle is Europe. Go! Go and drink it!
1254. Vision 17 March 1999 A vision of a bare human foot.
1255. Vision 18 March 1999 A wide red line develop behind the moving train.
1256. Occurrence 18 March 1999 I was part of the Angel of Death.
1257. Prophecy 18 March 1999 Remember the Bear. Remember the owl. Remember the cat.
1258. Occurrence 18 March 1999 The city of Vyborg, Russia.
1259. Vision 19 March 1999 A bomb exploding into the rear of a moving train.
1260. Vision 19 March 1999 Policeman's hat, 44, 48, the rat, soldier with cut nose.
1261. Prophecy 19 March 1999 The day of the devil has arrived with the point of the hammer.
1262. Vision 20 March 1999 A White Dove walking on water and a shark comes.
1263. Occurrence 20 March 1999 That’s OK. I already have a nice one for you.
1264. Vision 20 March 1999 Go to Mariehamn and to pray there.
1265. Vision 20 March 1999 A vision of an all wooden fence.
1266. Occurrence 20 March 1999 The same Angel of Death I sensed in Helsinki, Finland.
1267. Vision 20 March 1999 An object fall from the sky.
1268. Vision 20 March 1999 Aspiritual tunnel in the sky.
1269. Occurrence 20 March 1999 A demonic voice said, "You are sure ugly"
1270. Occurrence 20 March 1999 This same red spiritual line was moving behind the ship.
1271. Occurrence 21 March 1999 I drank the bottle of wine.
1272. Occurrence 21 March 1999 This enormous spiritual power came over me.
1273. Prophecy 21 March 1999 Look at the saucer (small dinner plate).
1274. Vision 21 March 1999 The symbol of a swastika.
1275. Vision 21 March 1999 Ablack man being shot in the back.
1276. Occurrence 22 March 1999 My dog was barking at some demonic force.
1277. Vision 22 March 1999 A vision of Jesus Christ in chains.
1278. Prophecy 22 March 1999 The day of Hosea is here!
1279. Prophecy 22 March 1999 What goes around, comes around.
1280. Vision 22 March 1999 The woman enjoys what she does!
1281. Prophecy 22 March 1999 The willing vessel will be saved.
1282. Prophecy 24 March 1999 "The Letter of God has arrived".
1283. Prophecy 24 March 1999 Trying to understand what Reymundo is doing...
1284. Vision 25 March 1999 A nuclear explosion as we approached Rotterdam.
1285. Prophecy 25 March 1999 "The cup, the cup".
1286. Occurrence 25 March 1999 Words written in the sky, "God is here!"
1287. Prophecy 25 March 1999 The Lord said, "God is here - again!"
1288. Occurrence 25 March 1999 I hear the devil saying, "No, no, no!"
1289. Prophecy 25 March 1999 The devil with his hand over the hammer.
1290. Occurrence 27 March 1999 We anointed the Eiffel Tower with oil.
1291. Prophecy 27 March 1999 The hour is here for the end of Paris.
1292. Occurrence 27 March 1999 Why, have you come here to torment us?
1293. Prophecy 27 March 1999 There will be a man 1 ½ miles outside of Israel .
1294. Vision 28 March 1999 Whirlwind, waterfall, a bowl of hot ashes.
1295. Prophecy 28 March 1999 Roma, why have you left me?
1296. Vision 28 March 1999 People were walking on grass that was like wire.
1297. Prophecy 28 March 1999 The Food of God was very delicious.
1298. Prophecy 29 March 1999 All that is will change at 5 o’clock.
1299. Prophecy 31March 1999 Safe places around the world where you can go
1300. Vision 4 April 1999 Flames from the Canadian border down to South America.
1301. Vision 4 April 1999 A pointing hunting dog made of wooden matches.
1302. Occurrence 5 April 1999 The Book of Isaiah Chapter 47.
1303. Prophecy 5 April 1999 The Lord said, "Philip".
1304. Occurrence 6 April 1999 I saw two rainbows.
1305. Occurrence 6 April 1999 The Book of Zechariah, Chapter 2.
1306. Prophecy 7 April 1999 Ppollute and dirty the area of Kiev, Ukraine.
1307. Vision 7 April 1999 Four rows of soldiers wearing blue/green Beret.
1308. Occurrence 8 April 1999 The veins and arteries of the people of the planet.
1309. Vision 10 April 1999 Jesus Christ in the clouds looking down at earth.
1310. Vision 10 April 1999 Many nuclear explosions.
1311. Occurrence 12 April 1999 The Russian Orthodox Church.
1312. Prophecy 12 April 1999 Yes, the end has arrived, the Angel, the Angel of Death.
1313. Prophecy 14 April 1999 "Here comes the upside down cross".
1314. Prophecy 14 April 1999 "The rat is lose".
1315. Prophecy 14 April 1999 Angel of Death makes the foot prints across Europe.
1316. Vision 16 April 1999 I see a image of a plumb bob.
1317. Occurrence 17 April 1999 Isaiah Chapter 4:1.
1318. Vision 18 April 1999 A snake eating a black rat or a mouse.
1319. Vision 19 April 1999 A wolf with a patch over his right eye.
1320. Prophecy 22 April 1999 I want you to mark the place around the town of David.
1321. Prophecy 24 April 1999 The Thumb is on the tack.
1322. Prophecy 2 May 1999 Yes, here comes the hammer!
1323. Prophecy 2 May 1999 Everyday without you - is a day without sunshine.
1324. Prophecy 5 May 1999 When should I leave for Israel. The Lord said, "July 19, 1999."
1325. Prophecy 6 May 1999 Telling you the Advice of God.
1326. Occurrence 7 May 1999 A snake wrapped around one of the dead branches.
1327. Occurrence 9 May 1999 New Amsterdam mission trip.
1328. Prophecy 11 May 1999 Willing vessel, test, Amsterdam mission trip.
1329. Prophecy 13 May 1999 The heart land of Europe will be destroyed.
1330. Prophecy 13 May 1999 God can discipline those that He Loves.
1331. Vision 13 May 1999 The Lord breaking the horns off a goat.
1332. Prophecy 13 May 1999 Read the Bible from cover to cover, pray.
1333. Prophecy 13 May 1999 Do you know how milk is homogenized?
1334. Vision 15 May 1999 The clock is set at 10:10.
1335. Prophecy 15 May 1999 I am going to do a Miracle.
1336. Prophecy 17 May 1999 "Cry, Reymundo, cry - here comes the earthquake!"
1337. Vision 18 May 1999 The fall of Paris has become a reality.
1338. Occurrence 19 May 1999 Map of mission trip to Israel.
1339. Prophecy 20 May 1999 I do not need your help to tell Me.
1340. Prophecy 25 May 1999 The war is going very rapid and with much Force.
1341. Prophecy 30 May 1999 The baby is going to bite the Hand that gives him food.
1342. Occurrence 9 June 1999 The spiritual warfare is steadily increasing.
1343. Vision 16 June 1999 A cave with demons, a cantaloupe, the Effel Tower, the Israel mission trip.
1344. Vision 23 June 1999 A ball of light or a meteor hitting the atmosphere.
1345. Occurrence 25 June 1999 Preparing myself for the upcoming Israel mission trip.
1346. Occurrence 26 June 1999 Seek and you will find!
1347. Occurrence 28 June 1999 I want My Eggs in My Nest!
1348. Vision 28 June 1999 I saw the face of a black woman.
1349. Vision 1 July 1999 Vision of the star of David.
1350. Vision 2 July 1999 The Foot of God coming down from heaven.
1351. Vision 5 July 1999 A snake biting into something red and round.
1352. Prophecy 5 July 1999 I am the One who returns!
1353. Prophecy 7 July 1999 Anoint the perimeter around Jerusalem.
1354. Prophecy 14 July 1999 A field with many dead farm workers.
1355. Vision 15 July 1999 A vision of the sky filled with locusts.
1356. Prophecy 15 July 1999 That is why I came. I am the bridge between good and evil.
1357. Vision 19 July 1999 A vision of a large serpent.
1358. Vision 19 July 1999 It was Adam from the Book of Genesis
1359. Occurrence 20 July 1999 Israel trip, Notes and Map of Anointed areas.
1360. Prophecy 21 July 1999 The sky will become black!
1361. Prophecy 21 July 1999 Seek and ye shall find!
1362. Vision 21 July 1999 A statue of a golden lion.
1363. Vision 22 July 1999 A little red haired girl that I saw at the Western Wall.
1364. Prophecy 22 July 1999 " Praise and worship is good but obedience is better!"
1365. Vision 22 July 1999 A vision of a land bridge.
1366. Occurrence 22 July 1999 A very hard time focusing on the Lord.
1367. Occurrence 22 July 1999 Anointed areas in Israel.
1368. Prophecy 23 July 1999 Life is like an olive. It has a pit!
1369. Occurrence 23 July 1999 Anoint the areas on the 30 miles perimeter.
1370. Occurrence 24 July 1999 Prayer about Mount Nebo in Jordan.
1371. Vision 24 July 1999 The Eiffel Tower being cut through at the bottom.
1372. Occurrence 24 July 1999 I do not listen to their worship and prayers or see their dances.
1373. Occurrence 25 July 1999 Anoint the northern part of Israel.
1374. Vision 25 July 99 Dome of the Rock roof breaking up.
1375. Occur. 26 July 99 We walked to the top of Mt. Nebo.
1376. Occur. 27 July 99 Petra, Jordan, a City of many gods.
1377. Prophecy 27 July 99 The way people treat the animals.
1378. Prophecy 28 July 99 The blessing are going to stop!
1379. Vision 29 July 99 A Menorah, with one white candle lit.
1380. Vision 29 July 99 Many visions and small bells made of bronze..
1381. Vision 29 July 99 A lit candle in the middle of a glowing circle.
1382. Prophecy 30 July 99 Western Wall and the Lord said, "Why, Why, Why!.
1383. Vision 31 July 99 This man had a serpent wrapped round his stomach.
1384. Vision 30 July 99 A spike being driven into the ground.
1385. Vision 30 July 99 I saw four Angelic beings standing.
1386. Occur. 30 July 99 Look at the light, look at the light.
1387. Vision 31 July 99 I will strike Israel once.
1388. Prophecy 1 Aug. 99 The Lord said the Letter, "Y".
1389. Prophecy 1 Aug. 99 When I showed you the moon.
1390. Vision 2 Aug. 99 I could see a darkness behind this fence.
1391. Prophecy 2 Aug. 99 Mt. Tabor (the Mount of Transfiguration).
1392. Prophecy 3 Aug. 99 Sea of Galilee and we found a cave.
1393. Occur. 4 Aug. 99 Nazareth at the Church of the Annunciation.
1394. Vision 5 Aug. 99 Anoint it (Megiddo), to prepare the ground.
1395. Vision 6 Aug. 99 A vision of a ballerina costume.
1396. Occur. 6 Aug. 99 The beach at Herzlyya (north of Tel Aviv).
1397. Vision 7 Aug. 99 A triangular table with 3 legs..
1398. Vision 7 Aug. 99 A gate, which had a padlock.
1399. Occur. 7 Aug. 99 I am going to break the chains!
1400. Prophecy 7 Aug. 99 What went up will come back down!
1401. Vision 8 Aug. 99 The Lord showed me a bright White Door.
1402. Occur. 8 Aug. 99 This church and all other churches will hate you.
1403.Prophecy 9 Aug. 99 The earthquake with the Force of God!
1404. Vision 9 Aug. 99 The Lord gave a vision of a man.
1405. Prophecy 9 Aug. 99 "The End". The House is broken!
1406. Prophecy 10 Aug. 99 The Lord said, "Mission De Rosa."
1407. Vision 10 Aug.99 A vision of the ground opening up.
1408. Vision 25 Aug. 99 The Lord showed me a sculptured cake.
1409. Occur. 28 Aug. 99 This Wind had surrounded my house.
1410. Occur. 28 Aug. 99 I heard a demonic voice say...
1411. Occur. 11 Sept. 99 The Lord healed my painful shoulder.
1412. Prophecy 14 Sept. 99 A person with the spirit of Judas Iscariot.
1413. Occur. 13 Oct. 99 This occurrence has to do with trust.
1414. Prophecy 25 Oct. 99 When you give money!
1415. Vision 25 Oct. 99 A vision of someone hung by the neck
1416. Vision 25 Oct. 99 I have warned you once!
1417. Prophecy 31 Oct. 99 If you believe in man - you are lost.
1418. Occur. 10 Nov. 99 See if these demonic spirits could be forced to leave.
1419. Prophecy 11 Nov. 99 There is a man that lives in a high rise house.
1420. Occur. 14 Nov. 99 She said, "I saw this glow all around you."
1421. Vision 15 Nov. 99 A vision of a whirlwind and a fish.
1422. Prophecy 18 Nov. 99 The important things are of the SPIRIT!
1423. Occur. 20 Nov. 99 1423. News-ad Placed December 9, 1999 in Contra Costa Times.
1424. Prophecy 20 Nov. 99 There are many people who do not believe you.
1425. Vision 21 Nov. 99 A vision of a scratched record.
1426. Prophecy 23 Nov. 99 There will be no revival in the City of San Francisco, only death and destruction.
1427. Prophecy 29 Nov. 99 There are many men who can fool people.
1428. Vision 3 Dec. 99 The covenant with the devil was made...
1429. Prophecy 8 Dec. 99 The Map of God of South America has arrived.
1430. Occur. 9 Dec. 99 I want you to go South America and Anoint it.
1431. Occur. 10 Dec. 99 My father said, "Muy bien, muy bien"
1432. Vision 11 Dec. 99 A vision of an engagement ring.
1433. Prophecy 13 Dec. 99 The things of South America are going to become hotter.
1434. Prophecy 16 Dec. 99 The devil believes he is the king of all.
1435. Prophecy 23 Dec. 99 The river of blood has started.
1436. Vision 29 Dec. 99 The Lord gave me a vision of His left Eye.
1437. Vision 6 Jan. 00 A nuclear reactor meltdown
1438. Occur. 8 Jan. 00 The up coming South America Mission trip.
1439. Vision 18 Jan. 00 Busy with the Lord's business in other areas.
1440. Vision 21 Jan. 00 The horse needs the bridle!
1441. Vision 23 Jan. 00. I saw this vacuum hole in the sky.
1442. Vision 23 Jan. 00 A saddle being placed on a white horse.
1443. Vision 25 Jan. 00 The ground moving in a wave toward me.
1444. Vision 25 Jan. 00 Driving a stake into the ground.
1445. Vision 27 Jan. 00 I saw this black arrow strike the fish.
1446. Occurrence 29 Jan. 00 E-mail to e-mail list.
1447. Vision 2 Feb. 00 A vision of a pyramid.
1448. Vision 3 Feb. 00 A vision of a bald eagle.
1449. Vision 3 Feb. 00 A wolf - changes to a bat - then a frog - then a bear.
1450. Prophecy 16 Feb. 00 The compliance of the tree will happen.
1451. Vision 16 Feb. 00 I had a vision of a rife and a slice of bread.
1452. Vision 16 Feb. 00 A vision of a dragonfly.
1453. Vision 16 Feb. 00 1453. I sensed the man was Uncle Sam of the United States.
1454. Prophecy 16 Feb. 00 The Lord said, Seed 86 times.
1455. Prophecy 16 Feb. 00 I am going to dig a hole.
1456. Vision 16 Feb 00 A boiling pot with a snake in it.
1457. Vision 16 Feb 00 A pochet watch hanging on a branch.
1458. Vision 17 Feb. 00 A bull's head with long horns and a pair of black lungs.
1459. Vision 17 Feb. 00 This lion was walking on the curtain rod or pole.
1460. Vision 17 Feb. 00 On the top hat there was the number 3.
1461. Vision 17 Feb. 00 A skeleton of a snake that was moving.
1462. Vision 18 Feb. 00 I had a vision of 3 rings.
1463. Occur. 18 Feb. 00 I am sensing a strong earthquake.
1464. Prophecy 19 Feb. 00 The Lord said, "Bogota."
1465. Vision 20 Feb. 00 A necklace with a hidden microphone in it.
1466. Prophecy 22 Feb. 00 The devil and this man are hand in hand.
1467. Prophecy 22 Feb. 00 Here comes the Lamp, the Lamp of God.
1468. Vision 23 Feb. 00 I saw this large serpent attack these animals.
1469. Occur. 24 Feb. 00 The wineglass will fall in Bangkok, Thailand.
1470. Vision 25 Feb. 00 A woman carrying a child.
1471. Prophecy 27 Feb. 00 Do not look in man's eyes - Look to Heaven!
1472. Prophecy 27 Feb. 00 You still have to go to South America.
1473. Vision 28 Feb. 00 Lord showed me the Cascade Mountain Range.
1474. Vision 1 Mar. 00 A road or highway made of cotton plants.
1475. Vision 6 Mar. 00 A vision of the German swastika (cross).
1476. Vision 7 Mar. 00 A man standing next to a wall holding a cup and saucer.
1477. Prophecy 8 Mar. 00 "They are all the same. I love you Ray."
1478. Vision 16 Mar. 00 Lord showed me the mouth of a large cave.
1479. Vision 16 Mar. 00 I had a vision of a single horse in a corral.
1480. Vision 29 Mar. 00 A man fell out of the dark enter core.
1481. Prophecy 30 Mar. 00 I catch all of the fish that are Mine.
1482. Vision 1 April 00 An elephant with its trunk on the ground.
1483. Vision 2 April 00 I saw a dry creek bed with a bend in it.
1484. Occur. 3 April 00 If I would pray over a five year old little girl.
1485. Vision 5 April 00 I saw this enormous nuclear blast.
1486. Occur. 5 April 00 You are My Ambassador and I protect what belongs to Me.
1487. Vision 6 April 00 The triangle had a necklace with a gold chain.
1488. Vision 6 April 00 An eye, with a stem of a leaf in the eye.
1489. Occur. 8 April 00 The scroll unroll into the sky of Heaven.
1490. Occur. 11 April 00 I was awaken to a strong smell of cantaloupe.
1491. Vision 11 April 00 I saw the Lord's Hand holding a string like material.
1492. Prophecy 11 April 00 If you plant it - it will re-grow!
1493. Vision 15 April 00 A vision of a trail of Blood from Heaven.
1494. Prophecy 15 April 00 Where you go, I bless.
1495. Vision 15 April 00 This big fat pig larger than the chair.
1496. Occur. 18 April 00 The Presence of the Holy Spirit came into my room.
1497. Prophecy 3 May 00 "They will seek help!"
1498. Occurrence 3 May 00 George W. Brush, the Governor of Texas.
1499. Vision 4 May 00 A vision of a snake eating another snake.
1500. Vision 7 May 00 A vision of a gravestone.
1501. Occurrence 9 May 00 Tree with its roots coming down from Heaven.
1502. Occurrence 13 May 00 Eva was half-asleep and dreaming.
1503. Occurrence 15 May 00 I heard Ray say in Finnish: I'm cold.
1504. Vision 15 May 00 A segment of the Jerry Springer Show.
1505. Prophecy 23 May 00 South American Mission Trip.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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