1062. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 June 1997.

The spiritual warfare has really increased in the past week. One early morning before the sun came up, I was awaken with a strong pain in my chest. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I was really frightened, so I began to pray to the Lord for help. Slowly, but surely the pain left. I hate those kinds of attacks, but the Lord always removes them. Then, the next two days, after awaking from my afternoon nap, I felt like I was hit with a sledge hammer in the middle of my back. And the other day on the way home from the Post Office, I could feel the Angels of God, and the angels of the devil fiercely fighting around the outside of my car. What ever is going on, I seem to be in the middle of it or in the middle of something. (over)


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