1008. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 February 1997 at 11:55 AM.

"Come, Reymundo, come! I will show you the world. I will show you, how I will direct those unattended matters; that have been left for many years - unresolved. I will open your eyes. I will show you the manners of the Lord, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. For this world is going to be drawn into a battle, where the nations will fall into the trap that has been planned for centuries. For the ways of man are finished." So saith, Jehovah. So saith, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So saith, the Holy Spirit.

The things that were promised will be delivered; the things of judgment; the things of the Lord Jehovah will come to completion at the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Open your eyes, open your ears. For what was prophesied hundreds and hundreds of years ago; you will see with your eyes; you will hear with your ears. You will run and you will hide, but every Word that was said through the prophets will be fulfilled, to the Letter, to the Point.

Many of you think, that this is a game. That this is a puzzle. That this is a fantasy. You will see the Power of Jehovah. You will see the Wrath of God. You will see the Vengeance of God. For what was polluted in the Garden of Eden will be cleaned up. The devil will be locked up with his angels; and We will begin anew. A new ever lasting life; for those, who follow Jesus Christ; for those, who Love Jehovah; for those, who listen to the Holy Spirit. This is the Truth! It is correct; it is Clear; it is to the Point.

My Ways are not man's ways. My Time is not man's time. My Laws are not man's laws. For man corrupts what he touches. Man thinks he is god, but We will see when they enter the Valley - who is God. The day of vengeance is approaching. The day of Vengeance will be complete as it was stated in the Bible, to the Letter, to the Point.

Come to the Valley and you will see the Power of God. The cleansing of God - of all that is evil. Open your eyes, open your ears. Read the Bible with the eyes of God. The Holy Spirit will show you through the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You will find the Father, Jehovah. So be it.! So be it! So be it!

Where can you hide? Where can you go? But the Love and the Peace of Jehovah is there for those who seek their God, with a pure heart, pure soul, pure mind. Remember to fast, to pray, to repent, to have communion, to seek your brothers and your sisters with Spirit of God. So be it! So be it! So be it!

Come all faithful servants. Come! The day is here that was promised through the prophets, Isaiah, Joel, Jeremiah, Amos, Daniel, John, all of them (prophets) will tell you, will direct you to the Valley of death. For the vengeance of God will be complete on that day, on that hour. But remember - My Timing is My Timing; My Word is My Word. Peace be with you, My son (Reymundo), My daughters, My children, My lambs. Peace be with you. (over)


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