1413. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 October 1999.
This occurrence has to do with trust. The past three weeks, I have been putting in many, many hours into formatting the Prophecy material into book form. Finally I finished last week and I felt great. I have not answered my e-mail or have I done anything else but work on these two Prophecy Books.
Well, during this time, I kept thinking about what the devil had said to me about a month or so go, "I am going to stop the funds to this ministry", or something like that. During this time my arm had been hurting so much I could not do much even sleep. Then the Lord totally healed my arm one night at 3 AM in the morning by telling me to stretch to the right, then to turn and stretch to the left. Well, like I have said once before in an e-mail to the people on the e-mail list. My back began to pop like popcorn and instantly my arm was totally healed. Boy - was this a wake-up call to me, for I was really down and out on almost everything.
Then guess what happened? A door opened up for getting these prophecies published. With my arm healed, I began to organize all the prophecy data into some kind of book form. After speaking to the Book Publishers a few times I had an idea of how they wanted the book data. Well, after three weeks of hard work I finished the two Prophecy Books.
I was really feeling GREAT! So I called my friend Carl for prayer. We generally try to get together several times a week for prayer. So I began to tell him about all the work I had been doing and for some reason I had not mentioned to him about my arm being healed. He was really amazed, for he had seen how much pain I had been in. All he kept saying was, "Praise the Lord", over and over.
Well, we began to put together our prayers and I began to tell him that Irene had called and had given me some bad news. That she had lost her job and then she got robbed and that she called me for some financial help. I told him how I had paid most of my bills and sent Irene some money and I still had $20 dollars in my checking account. This reminded me of what the devil had said that he was going to stop the money to this ministry. But he lost again, for I still made it through the month and I still had $20 dollars left in my checking account. This made Carl praise God even more and he mentioned how the Lord has helped this ministry over the past 10 years. I might say I did get a little worried for a lot of the ministry support just stopped last month, but as always, the Lord came through. This is why we all need to trust and trust in the Lord always. For if the Lord is on your side, who can stand against you!
Then to put frosting on the cake I told Carl, that Omar, our guide in Jordan sent me a letter with some post cards of Mount Nebo. Mount Nebo was one of the places we anointed on the Israel mission trip. Well, Carl was surprised again for he did not believe I would get my pictures from Omar. So Carl and I had a good prayer time and I told him I was going to finish uploading the Finish Translation data onto the web site and proceed with documenting the Israel mission trip on Monday.
Guess what happened next? The next day the Lord informs me that the work I did on the Prophecy Books was wrong! To my surprise - the Lord was right again! I had made a mistake in formatting the Prophecy Books. So for the next 6 days I had to redo the two Prophecy Books and now I have THREE Prophecy Books after the new formatting. To end this occurrence, I learned again "That I have to keep trusting in the Lord, even if I have to do the work twice!" God bless you all!!!
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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