1423. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 November 1999.
The Lord has asked me to do two things.
1. The Lord has instructed me not to cut my hair for 30 days.
2. The Lord has instructed me to place the ad below in our local newspaper. My problem is I only have $200 in the bank and I have not paid any of my bills. The cost of the ad is: $1318.80.
News-ad Placed December 9, 1999 in Contra Costa Times.
11-28-99 (E-mailed out the above news-ad "Love Prophecy" to e-mail list and churches.)
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
…..two responses from Sam's work.
Sam (from our e-mail list) and I exchanged e-mails about sending out #98. Prophecy (the meaning of Love) and #1426 Prophecy about San Francisco to the churches in San Francisco and Paris. Here are two responses he received from the 108 churches in the San Francisco Area, that received the two Prophecies. I might add he sent the same e-mail to all of them and it looks like one of these did not even see Sam's name in his e-mail address. I do not plan on sending out anymore responses, I just wanted to let you see what some churches believe or how they interpret the Bible. Oh, I do not consider these hate mail. These two churches are just judging the prophecies and responding. We are not trying to start a division within the Body of Christ. We are only sending the Lord's Message to the Body of Christ. God bless you all.
Yours in Christ, ray
Two responses from #98. Prophecy and #1426. Prophecy, e-mailed to churches in San Francisco.
Subject: Re: The Word of the Lord for San Francisco
Sam. I have been in the ministry for almost four years. The pastor that I am ministering here with have been in the ministry for almost thirty years now. God has used then in a powerful and mighty way. Dr. Yongi Cho started this church here at Full Gospel San Francisco. Why would God send these righteous people such as myself to this city? I believe that this city is full of wickedness and evil; however, I do not believe that God is going to destroy this city. The reason I say that is because it is unbiblical to say that. This prophecy does not line up with scripture. Any prophecy about the future or vision must line up with the word. If it does not then that prophecy is not from God. The bible says in 2 Peter that God will bring judgment to the whole world at once. God is not going to destroy one city at time first San Francisco and then Paris. When God comes to judge according to Revelation, the whole world will be judged at once. Those who's names is not written in the book of life will all be casted into the lake of fire. Besides, one cannot give a prophecy that deals with the Old Testament because that was before Jesus Christ came. God has given us the new covenant, Jesus Christ. But the main question I have for you and this prophet is what is your definition of a REVIVAL? If it is thousands gathered together in a stadium then I would have to say you might be right. But to me that is not a revival. That is a crowd of people. To me a revival deals with individual lives being changed each day, people coming closer to the Lord, people giving their life up for Jesus and accepting him as their personal savior. Revival happens within the church. We are the church. The people of God make up the church. I see this happening everyday in my church and many other churches here in San Francisco. Revival is not a three day event when a guest speaker comes and tells his best sermons and makes everybody laugh and cry. That is just a bunch of emotions that go no where. I see people get together like that all of the time and one month later back to their routine lifestyle where nothing has changed. I am seeing revival here at our church right now. Revival is a long term event that goes on in the life of the believer. It happens daily. I believe that God has brought me here to pioneer a multicultural church. God has given me a vision. I will pray though about what you said and wrote to me. Believe me I am going to take it seriously and seek the face of the Lord. I just want to make sure that it lines up with the word of God. Sam I would hope that you keep in touch with me and let me know how you respond to what I am writing you. What church do you go to by the way? Hope to hear from you soon.
Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Tom
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 21:01:58 -0800
From: Mike <miked@XXXXX.org>
To: sams@XXXX.net
Subject: Re: The Word of the Lord for San Francisco
Dear brother,
I noticed you didn't give your name when you passed on this false prophecy. Remember before God destroyed Sodem he was willing to spare it if there were just 10 righteous people living in that city well there are thousands of God's servants living in San Francisco. God surely won't destroy this great city since He loves it's inhabitants! Many are giving there lives to Christ every week. There is now revival in San Francisco!
Brother do not pass this false prophecy on to anyone else. Remember His judgment for false prophets! Amen
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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