Notes from the Israel 300 Km. Anointing Mission Trip.
The Lord would not let me use my tape recorder to record the prophecies and visions during our communion times or while we were traveling in the car. I tried recording a vision once during communion prayer and the Lord told me to turn off my tape recorder. Though the Lord did let me tape record some prophecies and visions during my late night prayer times in my Hotel room.
Well, since Carl had been taking notes on the mission trip, he began to document the Israel mission trip for us. The data below will be from Carl’s notes. The rest will be from my recording tapes and from what I remember. God bless you all!
Note here are the names of the places we Anointed.
1. Tel Aviv/Yafo
2. Yavne
3. Uza
4. Edh Dhahiriva
5. Masada
6. Petah Tiqwa
7. Azzun
8. El Makhrug
9. Shekhem
10. Mt. Nebo, Jordan
11. Petra, Jordan
12. Mt. Tabor
13. Golden Gate, Jerusalem
14. Megiddo
15. Old Jerusalem
Below from Raymond Aguilera:
1359. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 July 1999.
We arrived at the Ben Gurion Airport and we proceeded to get our rental car. Once we picked up the rental car we found out it was a very small car and not the size we had ordered and the ignition did not work. So after a delay of an hour or so, we were off to find the first perimeter anointing location. It seemed like we drove and drove and all we were doing was getting lost.
Then the Lord gave me a Word, "Seek the Light or Look for the Light."
So we began to look for all kinds of lights, from street lights to the light of the sun. Then after what seemed like another hour or so of driving, we found a park next to an animal shelter and a church. We believed the anointing site was on the church grounds, but we were not sure, and it was locked up and we could not find anyway inside. So we got back into our car and drove to the park behind the church and walked toward the fence separating these properties and prayed to the Lord for direction; for we were totally lost as to where the ground needed to be anointed.
Then during prayer the Lord said, "X marks the spot!"
And as I looked at our feet I saw a large X in the spirit between our feet, and I said to Mark and Carl this is the place.
So we anointed it and I saw a King’s Crown in the spirit.
Then the Lord said, "Now, quickly leave this place!"
This startled me, for Carl had said earlier, he wanted to stay at the park for a little while so he could sleep. For he was having a hard time staying awake after the long airplane flight. He was the only one that was authorized to drive the car and we still had to drive to Jerusalem to our hotel which was about 1+ hours away.
But to my surprise Carl began to take pictures after the anointing and all that was on my mind was what the Lord had said, "NOW QUICKLY LEAVE THIS PLACE!" I noticed Mark face and it looked like he wanted to leave too. Well, we got into the car and drove away as quickly as we could with Carl still needing sleep. About an hour or so later Carl began to have a problem staying awake as we headed for Jerusalem. Finally, we had to stop outside of Jerusalem for Carl could not keep his eyes open any longer. If Mark had not stopped him, we would have drove over those road spikes they place on the exits so cars will not enter that way. It was a good thing Mark noticed the spikes for we would have ruined the two front tires of the car.
By this time the sun had gone down and it was dark. I really did not believe we were going to find the hotel that night. For Carl was having trouble staying awake and it was late and we did not know the city. I have no idea how Carl and Mark found our hotel that night for the street signs made no sense in Hebrew. But we found this small 18 room hotel on this very small one way street that was as wide as someone’s driveway. All I can say is - "The Lord was looking out for us that first day. Praise the Lord!!!"
The three Sojourners of this Israel Mission Trip.
Carl at the Sea of Galilee
and Ray at a hillside cave at Tabgha
I did not want Carl to take my picture eating ice cream and I could not stop him. Carl said, the picture was for the web site; so here it is! (Smile) I had a problem with ice cream on the mission trip. Israel was a very hot country!
From Carl's Israel Notes.
We arrived in Tel Aviv, Israel. We walked in a park next to a walled Christian Orthodox church and prayed about where we should anoint. When Ray got a word.
Ray's Word: "X" Marks the spot.
Vision: Image of a King's Crown.
Word: "Now, quickly leave this place!
Word: A spiritual spike is going to be driven into each spot.
Vision: of a leather strap connecting the spots.
Word: Dome would cover the entire area. Sky would be darkened.
We prayed in the morning about where the Lord would have us go today.
Word: " Seek and ye shall find" "Sojourners" (We understood, we three Christian brothers are sojourners on this trip)
Vision: Waves behind a high sea wall at the beach with a narrow beach. The sea wall continued onto land like the great Wall
Word: Peace (will be with you; it goes up and it comes down)
Late last night vision and word. Vision: Ray had a vision of the little red haired girl who we saw at the Western Wall today. Who I almost took a picture of.
Vision: Then he saw a vision of her at an older age perhaps (18-24).
Word: It's not going to happen until she is all grown up.
Word: <God> "is going to kill someone"
7/22 at 9:40 AM
Word: "Praise and worship is good - but obedience is better."
Vision: A Crocodile Dundee size "Knife" cutting something.
Vision: "I am going to cut the wineskin open."
Vision: The wineskin was in the shape a kidney bean or stomach shaped object.
Word: "Go"
Vision: A 3-strand cord.
Interpretation: Is not easily broken.
12 noon
Vision: Like a land bridge with people jumping over.
Interpretation: People had to jump to make it to the other side.
Word: "Mt. Nebo" the rest is just worthless pagan desert"
Praying about when to leave for the Jordan trip.
Word: "When you pluck a feather from a goose does it jump?" (Which we interpreted as to take first available private tour into Jordan.)
We drove from Jerusalem out towards Tel Aviv and then drove south along roads near our 30 mile radius from Jerusalem. We stopped at Yavne.
Word to anoint: "Here"
We stopped at a park neighboring a synagogue.
Word: "Here" (We understood we were to anoint on at a high area in the park)
Next we kept driving and we drove by Qavat Malakhi. We prayed about where to stop.
Word: "Move on!"
When we got to Qiryat Gat we prayed and heard.
Word: "Fine"
Word: "Keep going!"
4:30 PM.
Then we drove into Uza and heard the Word: "Seek and you will find!". We decided to stop at the City Park, which had a large empty concrete water tank and a synagogue. We felt it right to anoint the ground there.
6 PM
Next we drove to Edh Dhahiriya - about 8 Km past a West Bank checkpoint.
Word: "Don't go much further!" We pulled to the side of the road and anointed the ground by opening the rear car door. Then we drove out of the West Bank and continued on Highway 31 and received the word.
Word: Pull over and stop at a safe place.
6:30 PM.
Words: "What goes up comes down!" "Shake the dust off your feet!" Ray said, "let's pull over and buy a watermelon."
7/22/99 at 9 or 10 PM.
We were at resort hotel at the Dead Sea about 5 miles south of Massada in the parking lot.
Word: ''Move on''.
Enemy voice: ''You don't have to stop here'' - ''You quack''.
As we got to the spot Ray anointed. ''You don't want to do this!"
Word: ''Leave here quickly'' ''Thank you good and faithful servants''
Enemy voice: ''Slow down and stop. Take a break.''
7/23/99 at 10 AM
Word: ''Life is like an olive, it has a pit''
Vision: A balance scale.
Word: ''Stay balanced and focused.''
Word: ''Anoint one another.''
''Remember what I said about what comes up, comes down - it will be from everlasting to everlasting, forever.
The building blocks of the New Temple - so be diligent, wise, strong and brave, and be wise as serpents.
''It is crucial that we focus ourselves''
11:40 AM
Word: "There is a battle going on in the heavens for what we are doing"
Vision: "M" (vision of Letter)
Word: Stands for the Marriage of the Lamb - It is getting prepared.
Vision: A battle in the heaven and two forces hitting each other.
Word: "Go north".
1. A single talon of a claw.
2. A harp - like instrument.
3. An insect staring at Ray.
1.30 PM
Vision: Number "9".
1:50 AM
Word: "The war in heaven is getting heavier". "Keep moving". "We are getting lost because of intensity of the war in heaven."
2.00 AM
Word: "Next time we stop - Anoint the car."
2.02 AM
Word: Anoint at 4 corners."
2.10 AM
We Anointed the town of Petah Tiqwa at a park in South East part of town, 9 km from turn on to Route 40.
Word: "You have gone far enough, you can look for something to eat." We went into the West Bank looking for a restaurant in the Arab town.
Word: "Do you want to eat with goats?"
Then we drove out of the Arab town and looked for an Israel restaurant outside the West Bank to eat at.
7/24/99 at 7.05 AM
Word: "Next stop is Mount Nebo". We prayed about going to Shekhem.
Word: "You don't have to". "There are no more spots".
Word: "If the moon is not completely full by the time we get back from Nebo then go back and Anoint from Shekhem to Jordan".
11.50 AM
Vision: "Eiffel Tower with a razor blade striking through bottom part of it from the left to the right".
Word: "Go quickly". "Good and faithful servants".
Other voices wailing "Don't go, Don't go".
Word: "You are going to walk through a path of thorns."
Vision: 6 or 7 horses drinking out of a round vat - like trough with white liquid.
Saw arch - same as Ray saw in a previous vision. (See
Word: Ark of the Covenant - 6 times more.
Word: "Do you love me"- This was repeated 6 times more.
7/25 Sunday at 4.25 PM (While at a restaurant in a hotel at the top of the Mount of Olives, which over looked the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount)
Vision: pillar of fire - with a narrow beam, which was spinning and it touches the top of the dome of the Rock. - Top of beam comes from the East - Ray cannot see the top of it. It is turning red and beam is widening.
Very wide - (several Kilometers wide) A rainbow shaft coming down at an 80-degree angle is visible in the northeast part of the sky. It is red on each end and greenish blue in the middle.
Word: "You have to surrender your heart". (Word to Ray)
Vision: arrow tip with white ribbon tied to it just behind sharp tip.
When walking up Mt. Nebo, about 3.50 PM
Word: "Camera, camera, camera, camera".
4.10 PM
Anointed spot on Mt. Nebo next to wall.
4.15 PM
Word: "It is done".
From the Grand View hotel at Mt. Petra after dinner we saw virtually a full moon.
7/27 at 11:20 AM Walking up El Siq walkway from Petra about 1/3rd the way to the valley floor Ray anointed both sides of the canyon.
Evening: We saw a completely full moon when driving back into Jerusalem.
Words: "The blessings are going to stop".
Vision: "S". "US".
Visions: Outside planter round in shape inside a tree without leaves, which was growing and then it grew taller and it blossomed. (It grew from 2 feet to 6 feet)
Praying about Ray's sickness 8.30 PM
Word: "It was the enemy who made Ray sick because you were bold in Anointing the walls of the El Siq. Because of your boldness all of their god spirits got mad. (This was at the only entrance to the city")
Word: "A 3-strand rope is hard to break".
When praying about protection for all 3 of us.
Word: "Stay away from mushrooms".
1) Mark anointed Old City walls outside Dome of the Rock
2) Carl anointed area near the Golden Gate in Dome of the Rock and prayed inside the Dome around the rock.
3) Then Mark and Carl prayed at a walkway near the Golden Gate.
7/29 at 9 PM
Vision: Lit candle in the middle of a glowing circle - then as you were facing it, it moved to the right, but the glowing area stayed lit.
7/30 at 12.15 AM
Word: "We can go to these places to look, but why seek the traditions of a dead culture. He who picks up the plow does not look back. Seek the things of the new covenant not of the old."
After dinner we walked through Old City and ended up at the Western Wall.
Word: "Why, Why, Why". (Ray heard this spoken in a disgusted tone)
Ray replied: We can't leave - Carl has the keys and is inside (the inner prayer area at the Western Wall)
Word: "Sit down and wait for Carl with your back to the Western Wall and don't look back."
Word: "Don't come back here again".
Comments: Ray sensed there are some unresolved issues between the Jewish people and the Lord. (Ray doesn't know what these are.)
Vision: Lamp hanging from a building, which was lit.
Word: "Look at the light, look at the light".
Vision: Enormous spoon, bigger than our room. Then something demonic climbed on the edge and tried to eat or drink the contents of the spoon. Then spoon was shoved into the mouth of the skull on Skull Mountain.
Word: "Come".
Vision: Calipers (drawing on the paper) were shown going around circumference of the area we covered and as it went around round a platform, which appeared above the area. The calipers were touching. And a man and a woman were dancing around, ballroom dancing, (like in a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie, but in modern dress) on the platform - led to believe it was Christ and His bride.
1. Area where Christ and Bride were dancing, there was a carousel with many people on it.
2. A large spoon came down and bent 90 degrees and went right into a big ball of light. (It seemed like the Father)
Visions: artery on a river and in the middle of artery, this reflector - like barrier appeared in the middle of the artery which stopped the flow of the water.
Head of a horse - gray-tan colored horse with white forehead between the eyes and ears down to the nose (Horse like a horse in Revelation).
Eagle flying towards Ray - it's head and mouth were visible and within it's mouth was a big, long solid black log. It flies over this vast chasm without any bottom and it drops the log into the pit.
Praying about an earthquake.
Vision: A normal gray post at 80-degree angle with another pole was bracing it at an angel stopping it from falling.
Vision: Symbol of "4" turned into anchor symbol from Garden Tomb (which Garden Tomb tour guide said was a symbol carried into the tombs of followers of Christ).
Word: "Assed"
Word: "push, push".
8/1/99 at 10:20 AM
Word: "Y".
8/2/99 at
7 PM Ray, Mark, and Carl visited Mt. Tabor (the Mount of Transfiguration)
and prayed and had communion at the top.
Vision: column of circular flames 11/2 ft. in diameter, 6 to 7 feet high which was spinning.
Word: "Come" "Come, bring the bottle of wine and Anoint around the column".
Vision: Upside down Omega.
Vision: Column changed into a cross.
Word: "Leave the bottle there".
Word: "I'm going to take one of you".
8/3/99 at 1
PM Ray, Mark and Carl prayed at a hillside cave at Tabgha where Jesus
prayed. (See Picture)
Word: "As you wash yourselves with the water I will cleanse you". "The branch, the branch". "I am. I am". "Will you give Me your hearts?" "The rat is ready". "Listen to the sea".
8/4/99 at 3 PM While visiting Nazareth at the Church of the Annunciation.
Word: "I called you and you did not come. I called you and you did not come".
4 PM We prayed near a high place on a hill in Nazareth.
Vision: Round hole in a chain link fence.
Word: "Go". (leave )
8/5/99 at 7 PM At the Kibbutz at the Sea of Galilee.
Vision: Skeleton (adult) with it's arms crossed in fetal position under a road near a bridge.
10.30 AM
Vision: of Megiddo. (See Picture below)
Word: "Anoint it to prepare the ground" - "The end is before you".
11:10 AM
Vision: Golden spear to be driven into ground where we anoint the ground (with a dove on the top of the handle).
Vision: Baby in a womb - like viewed in a sonogram that is moving inside the womb.
1:05 PM
We Anointed a spot next to a wall in the vicinity of 3 palm trees at middle that overlook the South/ East. It matched the vision Ray had previously.
Word: Yes, it's the right place. Yes, it's the right place. It
is done.
August 6, 1999
Praying for the Kibbutz before we checked out.
Vision: ballerina costume.
In late afternoon when leaving the Beach at Herzlyya (north of Tel Aviv).
Word: Thank you Ray. Why, what did I do? Ray asked.
Word: Just, thank you.
August 7, 1999 at 1.25 PM
Vision: Triangular table with 3 legs.
Vision: Star of David - with 6 points turned into 5-pointed star.
Vision: Boomerang
Vision: Fish with an eye
Go Anoint the rock outside the Jerusalem gates where Ray saw angels positioned
while we sat on rocks a week ago. (See Picture)
August 8, 1999 at 5 PM
Vision: White door with metal curlicue lattice around it (garland style) with no doorknob
Vision: fetus
We prayed about whether to attend a church service in Jerusalem (at the King of Kings Assembly)
Word: "There will be sauce there."
Word: Look at the whole church and people standing there. This church and all other churches will hate you with a vengeance. But don't worry, I'm going to be with you.
August 9, 1999 at 9:40 AM
Word: "33"
Vision: A spring steel band with 2 dowels on its ends. It was chained together. A man was inside the steel bands.
Vision: Eiffel Tower with something circling it "Midway"- like machine parts or a crown of thorns.
Interpretation: The man inside the steel band represents the bondage of man.
Vision: "Headphone set" (like God was saying, "listen")
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