The 1193 sound clip is about five minutes (596 KB) from my original micro cassette recording tape. There is some background noise on this file. This Prophecy Sound clip is in Spanish. Read the text below as you listen to the sound clip for best results.
1193. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 August 1998 at 6:30 PM. in Spanish.
The ham (or bacon <jamón>) [I believe this is the pig], yes Reymundo! Look at the ham! The ham is ready! Oh, Cadahá [I believe this is the church of man.] (I cannot spell the Spanish slang word "Cadahá" < but it means: a woman or girl who is not mean or bad, but not a nice woman, a wild woman or she is out of her mind>), how is it going! How is it going! Look! The point is coming with the Force of God. My Hand is ready to hit all that is filthy. Here comes the star. Here comes the earthquake. Here comes the blood of all that is bad. Yes, yes, yes.
Message for Raymond Aguilera:
Hurry - write what I am telling you to the point! I know that you are exhausted. I know that your body is hurting you! I know that you cannot think! But those things are not important! For I am going to do all of the thinking that you need. I am going to give you all the force that you need. We have to send the Word of God with the Force of God in the manner of God. I told you when We started on this road that it was going to be hard. We still have not arrived at the hard part. I know that you are tired. That you cannot move your body. But you promised Me, that you were going to write the Word of God. And We are now very close to stop the work of God. I hear your tears and I feel what you feel, but the Body of God needs to hear the Word of God!
All is going well! All is going to the point! I am going to send you more money for you are going to need it to the point. I am going to tell your brothers and sisters to send you what you need. Yes, Reymundo your wife is now ready. She is going to call you with the Love of God. She is going to call you. I know that you do not want to think of such things like this! You just want too rest.
But I want you to get up and I want you to start once again! Yes, Reymundo, wake-up! Wake-up you have work to do! All will go well, did you hear Me? Or are you falling sleep! Open your eyes and get-up!! We have to write the Word of God. Do you HEAR Me! Reymundo - do you hear Me!! Look! I am going to let you sleep two more hours, but I want you to get-up and begin to write and do the work of God. Remember! Only two more hours, did you hear Me? (over)
Note: My telephone rang two hours later. It was a wrong number, for I did not answer it, my telephone machine did, and I slept another hour. I just could not get up. I was just too tired.
Sorry Lord, my body is just worn out! I also told you I could only do what I could do. I cannot push myself anymore. I feel like I am dying. I am falling apart and I need more help!!! I cannot sleep through the night or find any rest. You are working me to death. Please forgive me!
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