1149. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 February 1998 at 2 PM.
Subj: O.K.?
Date: 98-02-24 12:36:35 EST
From: Hitkrnk To: ReyAgu
Hello Ray Been kinda worried about ya the last week or so, do'nt really know why, so i Prayed extra for you and your Ministry and thought i'de write and see how your doin. Write if you get a chance,
GOD Bless lance
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
I received this e-mail today and it shows me how tuned in some of you brothers and sisters are. I have been very busy these past few months trying to set something up so I could bring in some money to keep this ministry going. I figured, since the Lord has me on hold, now would be the right time to work on the finances. Well, not much has happened in this area except more bills and work. But for some reason I feel, I should place this on the web site some time today, at least I hope too.
Well, yesterday at 2 PM one of the things, I was counting on the Lord to deliver, and something I had been daily praying about for nine years, and one of the reasons in trusting and having hope in the Lord, and something that strengthen me in this ministry, was taken away. I do not want to get into the details, but I felt like I was standing on top of the rock of Jesus, when out of nowhere the devil came beat me down to nothing in the matter of minutes.
As many of you believers in Christ know, there always come a time in our walk, when our flesh and our spiritual walk comes under such a powerful attack, that we feel like the rug was pulled out from under us - you just want to give it all up. Well, that is what happened to me yesterday. I was even considering removing or closing down the Prophecy web site and all related things. Right now, I am so tired of all of this. But I am going to keep moving forward with the work that Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, has given me. I keep remembering what the Lord told me many, many years ago. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, "Trust in Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit". Being a Christian is not easy, I do not care what people say!! These lonely feeling and waiting for the next battle gets very old. May the Lord forgive me for my thoughts, but I am at another major turning point in my Christian walk. Please pray that the Lord perfect will is done and completed. God bless you all!
Yours in Christ,
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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