The 1192 sound clip is about 6.25 minutes (717 KB) from my original micro cassette recording tape. There is some background noise on this file. This Prophecy Sound clip is in English. Read the text below as you listen to the sound clip for best results.
1192. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 August 1998 at 8:00AM.
The baby is ready for it’s bath. Get the soap! Get the pan! Bring the sponge! Get the towel! The office of the Presidency will begin to fade away. Shall I throw out the baby with the dirty wash water?
Pray, Pray, and Pray! Read the Bible, seek My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, focus, focus, and focus on the things of God. For the things that are before you will come rapidly, will come pointed. I am bring my flock together. I am separating the sheep from the goats.
Remember the Words of Chapter 24 of Matthew. They lay before you! Pointed and direct. Remember when the leaves of the fig tree change. Remember your God Jehovah, your King of Kings, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Remember the Power of the Holy Spirit. The things before you will frighten the world, but if you read the Bible, if you know the Word of God, you will be able to endure the things that you see. The things that you hear. The things will befall the whole planet. You will cry the tears of blood, of anguish, of helplessness.
For those of you who have been reading the Bible with the Eyes of God, with the Heart of God, with the Love of God know exactly what I am saying. Those of you who have been playing church will be confused, will not know what to do. For you hopped and skipped through the Bible. Remember My Words. I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. My Heart is Big, My Love is Big, but I will not stand filth and the things of Satan. All will be cleaned. All will be taken to the abyss. Remember the other side of Love is wrath, discipline. Sometimes it is very hard to receive. But I know what is right and what is best to the point, to the person that it applies to. I do not like what I have to do, but the things of the Body of Christ have become very lax in the Christian communities.
I told My son, Reymundo, that many people would get mad at him because of My Words. I told him that many people would call him names. That many Christians would accuse him, would take up their stones and come after him with their words, with their theologies. But remember it is not Reymundo, who you are going after with those stones. Look at your hands, they are sinful; they are dirty. Look at your stones - now stop! Now look at My Hands. Look at My Stones. See who will win this fight! For if you come after Reymundo, you come after Me! Lets see who will win, with your theorems, with your actions, with your wickedness!
Remember in all of those prophecies where I mentioned the fly. I do not think you have enough wing to fly away from My Hand. For I will swash you like a fly with the rest of the goats! Remember the ten virgins, which five are you! The part of the Body that is not going to make it! Or the half that is going to be at the wedding supper. Remember My Words! Remember My Hands! For I am dead serious on the things of God! If you want to play church I will send you to a place to play church at. If you want to seek My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, if you seek Me, Jehovah, if you seek the Holy Spirit, I will send you to the wedding supper with a bright new White Garment.
Remember My Words, remember the Bible, remember the wrath of God, remember Matthew 24, remember the ten virgins, remember the Book of Revelation, all that is before you. I have clearly stated it. I have clearly had it written, so don’t come before Me telling Me you did not know! When you tried to stone My Reymundo. When you tried to run after the devil for the luxuries of this planet, of the world. For I do not forget a thing, I read your heart. I know you better than you know yourself. So be it! So be it! So be it!" (over)
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