943. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 August
1996 at 2:30 AM. in Spanish.
How are you My son, how are you? Yes, the blanket, the blanket of Shasta has arrived. Did you hear Me? The blanket is going to open over everything - like the Hand of God, for everything that is under the blanket is filthy. Did you hear Me with your ears, with all that you have? For everything that is in the United States, the devil is eating it and I am going to begin to clean-up all that is filthy.
Yes My son, all that is Clean, I am going to take to Heaven
- the rest to the pit. Yes, it has arrived to the Point, the blanket, the
Hand of God! Review (Mt. Shasta Data) yes, review with the Word of God
and repent, and walk in the manner of God, for here comes the blanket to
clean everything that is filthy. Yes, Yes, Yes. Don't say that I didn't
tell you, for what comes out of My Lips is the Truth, and is Pointed. Yes!
This is your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit telling you the
Wisdom from Heaven. Remember the Lips of God, for they do not lie - All
is straight. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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