944. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 August
1996 at 2:01 PM. in Spanish.
How is it going, how is it going My son, how is it going? The chorizo (Spanish word for sausage) is ready. Yes - the sausage is ready. How are you? How do you feel? How are your hands My son? Do they hurt you? I told you that you would be able to finish the Prophecy.
I know that you are suffering, but that is nothing compared to how the world is going to suffer. What you have is nothing, but the world is really going to suffer. It's going to cry with tears that are going to go up to Heaven, all the tears. But you know and I know that I tell them, and I tell them, and I tell them, and they do not want to hear Me. Then when they cry; they want Me to do something. But when I tell them to do something for Me, they laugh and they make jokes, for they do not need Me.
Look, Reymundo, I am going to heal your hands. I am not going to tell you when or how, but I am going to heal them. I told you to send her the letter. Why haven't you sent it? I am going to give you another chance. Send it today and everything will go well. Did you hear Me? I know that it hurts you to send it, but I know what is happening. I know the things of the heart.
Here comes the day that the bridge is going to fall. The bridge of San Francisco is going to fall with a Force that people are going to seek Me and you know what? I am not going to hear them, for there are men in San Francisco that want to get married with other men and there are women who want to get married with other women. How filthy the mind of San Francisco. If you tell Me the name of San Francisco, it is revolting and nauseous to Me (Spanish: Me dar asco).
That's why I am not going to save anyone that has the mind of the devil - for it is nauseous to Me. They believe they are going to find wives and husbands in the manner of the devil, and all that they are going to find is the pit. I am not playing and I don't care if they get mad. How filthy are the spirits and minds of the city of San Francisco. They believe that they know a lot - We are going to find out how much they know when I bury them with the dirt, with My Hand. And I am going to hit them. If you have male and female friends in the regional area of San Francisco, in the city…, oh, oh, oh, cry for them. Fall onto your knees and pray with tears, for I am going to hit them. For when I get Mad - something happens.
But what can I do? I have to clean-up this world. I have to save My Sheep. I have to do what it says in the Bible, all the Words that were written for Me - are going to happen - because they are clear and to the point. And I don't want to speak anymore about San Francisco, for if I tell you more…, I will get angry and I don't want to get angry right now.
I just wanted to speak to you to see how you are feeling. I know that you sense that I am changing you. I know that your mind is running like a computer. But have patience, for I am changing you little by little - for I don't want to burn you up. For when the Force of the Holy Spirit runs through the body, the body burns up - for the Holy Spirit is Clean and your flesh is filthy. Have patience, Reymundo, I am going to change you - for I have things to do and I want to use you. But I cannot use you like I want until I change you more. Did you hear Me?
Yes, I am going to send men and women to help you with the money that you need. But you know what? The things of the world are going to pass, and the things of the Spirit are going to grow until the point, until everything that I have made is going to STOP! But don't worry, for I have everything in My Hands.
I tell you exactly and to the point, it has arrived the day the bridge is going to fall in San Francisco. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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