942. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 18 August 1996
at 2:12 PM. in Spanish.
Yes - how is it going? How is it going My son? How is it going? I know - I know that people want to know what you know. But you know what? How can you show them, what you cannot! Yes, you cannot show them the things of Heaven with your nose - with what you touch. You cannot! Those things are yours and Mine. Yes Reymundo, write it down and tell them; that there are things for them and there are things for you - but I did not give you the manner to show them the things of you and I. You cannot! But you know the Things of God are different from the things of man, but people cannot comprehend what I have just told you.
Remember Who is the King of Kings - Who is your Father - Who is the Holy Spirit. We made ALL with the Word of God. There are many things that the mind of man could never understand; for they are not God - how can they understand the Things of God?
I am going to show you the world; I am going to show you Heaven; I am going to show you the Stars; I am going to show you the manner of God. Just write down what I tell you and those things will become more clear in the coming days. But close your ears to the people who want to push here and there - for what they want to do is push you into the pit with the devils. Do you remember what it says in the Bible about the ones who are blind that run after the ones who are blind? The both of them fall into the pit - with the devil laughing at them. You point your eyes, ears, nose, and your spirit - ALL, toward Heaven with the Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit and ALL will go well. Don't worry about these people, for the day is coming that I will correct them with the Angels, with My Word, with all that is Righteous. This is the Truth and to the Point!
How did you like it when We went camping, there - on the dirty ground? I am going to clean it up. Yes - remember the mountain of Shasta, for here comes the day. I know that there are still many people who don't believe what I am saying is the Truth. But Reymundo, don't worry about people; that's My Problem - not yours.
Remember that I told you that I was going to give you a wife. YES! Here comes the day, Reymundo. I know that you STILL don't believe Me - you have such a hard head! So many years I have been telling you that I was going to give her to you and you still don't believe Me, but that's the manner of man. But I am going to give her to you if you believe IT or NOT, for I have already given you My Word and what I say HAPPENS!
Hurry - I know that your hands hurt, but you have to finish the work of God. And I tell you with LOVE, for when I LOVE something - I LOVE it until the end of time, for all the days that there are days. My Love is My Love. Hurry - get up! You have work to do! (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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