589. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 September 1994 at 7:42
PM. in Spanish
There is another..., there is another man in Nicaragua that has a hunger for the blood of God. And this man from Nicaragua is going to kill many. Yes, Reymundo, he is going to kill many. For he has the fever of the devil. He has the fever of coca, the drug of the coca. Yes, Reymundo. There are many that use the coca and they believe they are great. They believe they have power.
But you know, that God of the world, of Heaven, of the stars, of all that there is, of all that you see, He is the ONLY ONE that has the POWER. The rest want what the Father has, what the Son has, what the Holy Spirit has. But those are the things of the Spirit, not the things of man. But the devil uses them so they can kill the Christians, the ones that don't know a thing. For they seek the power.
I am going to show you the things of the world in the manner of God. And I want you to write everything clearly and to the point, in the manner of God. For there are many sheep that know nothing. They don't know how to seek God. They are walking with the dead, the ones that know nothing, but the day has arrived to open their eyes with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of the Father, with the Force of the Son.
For if they don't open their eyes the men with the coca of Nicaragua, of Costa Rica, of South America are going to eat them head first. For they know nothing; they are like the Lambs and Sheep. They know nothing, but things have to happen. The bad things are going to move like the wind, but everything is in My Hands, and all will go right. But they have to read the Bible. They have to seek My Son. They have to do the right things. They have to do the things of God in the manner of God. I tell you clearly. I tell you to the point.
The day of suffering has arrived. The day of the devil has arrived, with the demons, with the men that believe they know it all, with the men that work for the devil. What a shame, that these things have to go this way, but the day of the blood has arrived. For I am going to clean ALL. All that aren't Mine, and I am going to clean what is Mine also. For My Eyes, My Ears are burning with all of the filth that's in the world.
I will see you Reymundo, on another day, on another date, for We have
to point the Word of your God. This is your Father, with the Son, with
the Holy Spirit telling you the wisdom of Heaven. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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