523. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 August 1994 at 6:31
AM. in Spanish.
It has arrived, My Reymundo, it has arrived the time of cold. Yes, the time of cold has arrived. It has arrived all the suffering of the cold. Yes! Yes, the things of the world will become cold. Buy yourself blankets. Buy yourself firewood. Yes! For the time of cold has arrived, the suffering. It has arrived the bullet from Heaven. The bullet that's going to make everything cold. It is going hit fast at the world direct and to the point, and all the places that were hot are going to become cold.
The easy days are gone, they are all gone. All that you believed, that was going to happen, is going to change rapidly and to the point. The places that were hot are going to become cold, I tell you direct and to the point. Everything is going to change, nothing is going to stay the same. Everything is going to become different, all the climate of the world is going to change.
There are people this minute that are doing the things of the devil. These people the cold is going to eat because I tell them and tell them, and they do not hear Me. And if people don't do what I tell them, I will do with them what I want. For when everything is finished no one will tell Me, "No." For everything is in My Hands. I made everything and I will do what I want with what is Mine. People think they can tell Me, "No," but the Word, "No," is going to hit them over their head. For no one can tell Me, "No." For I will correct what needs to be corrected, with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of My Son, with the Force of all that is good that is from Heaven.
I don't say one thing and then do another. I don't lie, if I tell you that you are Mine your are Mine. If I tell you that I don't like you, I don't like you. For the Father of Heaven with the Son doesn't like anything filthy, nothing of the devil, and I will send you to the Pit, your date of your day, that I gave you.
For there is only ONE God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, if you Love Me, with your heart, with your mind, with your body, and if you seek Me. You belong to Me. If you don't do what I tell you in the manner that I tell you. You are not Mine. You belong to the devil and all of the devil I correct in the manner of God.
For ALL is in My Hands and I know how to wash My Hands. I use the Soap, the Holy Spirit, the Soap of Force, the Soap of Heaven. I use the Force of My Son, the King of Kings, for all that is clean I gave to Him direct and to the point. We are gathering all that hear Me, all that have the eyes to see the Word of God, with the Heart of God. I tell you direct. I tell you to the point. For everything that I tell you is serious and to the point. This is not a game. This is the truth.
If you do what I tell you. You are Mine if you don't do it, you are of the devil. Nothing of the middle is Mine, only what is clean, of the heart, of the mind, of the body. I tell you with Love. I tell you with the Love of Heaven. I tell you with the Love of Love. It hurts My Heart what I have to tell you, but the thing that is the truth is the truth.
There are many people that are filthy and all that is filthy likes to make what is good filthy. And what is Mine is not filthy. Did you hear Me? This is the Word of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit through My Prophet, Reymundo, telling you the manner correct and to the point, with the Force of the Father, with the Force of the Son, with the Force of the Holy Spirit.
I know that many of the Prophecies that I am telling you can scare you, but don't forget that I LOVE YOU with all of MY HEART, with all that there is. My Heart burns with Love for My Sheep. The Sheep that I gave to My Son. I Love you, and I Love you, and I Love you with all that is of Heaven. That's why I tell you, and I tell you, and I tell you, and I tell you, so you can hear Me. For the time is finished of the Bible. You have to make yourself ready. You have to clean the things that are filthy, and run after your God. For things are going to happen rapidly and to the point. That's why I tell you with Love. That's why I tell you with the Lips of God. It has arrived the time of choosing the manner of living. For the time of this world is finished.
Did you hear Me people of the world? I am telling you clearly, to your mind, to your spirit, to your body, seek Me or I'll send you to the pit. I tell you direct and to the point. For I don't Force anyone, you have to do it alone, with a clean heart, with a clean mind, with a clean body for I read the heart. If you love Me with your heart your are Mine, and I will protect you. But if you believe that you can tell Me you love Me and run after the devil. I will spit you from My Mouth with the Force of the Holy Spirit. I will hit you like a fly. For you can not tell Me lies for I know your heart. You are not fooling no one, but yourself.
These things are serious. These things are from God. These things are from Heaven. These things are from My Son. These things are from the Holy Spirit. I will hit you like a fly, fast and rapidly. I am not playing, I am telling you in seriousness. For if you believe you can play with God, the day of you is finished. Did you hear Me World? I tell you direct and to the point. I am going to show you the Force that's going to frighten you.
I am tired of the devil of all that is filthy. I know that if you can kill your sons and daughters before they are born. How can you love Me? If you don't love what comes from your own body. How can you love your God? This is the truth. If you don't love yourself. How can you love Me? But I know that you run after the devil for it gives you joy. He gives you what you want so you can dance with the words of the devil in the manner of the devil. But the day of you and the devil is finished. For here comes My Hand over you. Remember, "Like a Fly," direct and to the point. This is the Word of your God.
Examine all that you have for time has run out. You're going to have
to choose for everything is going to happen rapidly, everything that you
have in your mind, everything that you have in your heart. You have to
examine it. For I read all and you have to choose one or the other and
where you are going to live for all the days that are days. Yes! Yes! Yes!
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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