244. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 December 1992 at 2:44 Am. in English.
I love you Ray. Listen to My Words carefully. Today, tomorrow, and the next day are going to be very trying. The sense of it. Nothing will happen, but things are happening in the spirit world. The Art of love is happening. The Art of a new beginning for you and for that special friend. Give it three days, Ray. You will see things and you will sense things. You will be able to comprehend the Power of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. For the day, the hour, the minute of the new beginning for you has started.
Open your ears. Open your eyes, and you will see that what I have said, will come to be. Be Happy. Be Joyful. For the ways of Jehovah are sometimes hard to understand, but remember, He Loves you, He Adores you, He will Protect you. Do not say anything to your friend which is negative. Do not say anything, only what your Lord Jehovah tells you to say. Do not call. Do not say a thing. For everything is happening according to My Plan. Peace be with you My son for everything is according to the schedule of Jehovah. Listen and watch your God do what He said He was going to do.
Praise and Glory and Honor go to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory go to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory go to the Father. I Love you Father. I Adore you Father. The things of the World are the things of the World. The things of Heaven are the things of Heaven. Peace and Glory and Honor go to the Father. Peace and Glory and Honor go to the Father. This is Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings. Peace, Honor, and Glory go to the Father. Peace, Honor, and Glory go to the Father.
The One that you told Me about, My Father will be, at the right place,
at the right time for the completion of the Plan that was stated thousands
of years ago. He will organize. He will conquer. He will destroy. He will
do what was stated in the Book of Isaiah, in the Book of Deuteronomy. For
what you say will be done, My Father; to the Word, to the Letter, to the
Second. All Praise and Honor and Glory go to the Father. All Praise and Honor
and Glory go to the Father. All Praise and Honor and Glory go to the Father.
All Praise, Honor and Glory go the Father.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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