245. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 December 1992 at 9:46 AM. in Spanish.
My son, the things that I tell you, are the things of God. You have to inform yourself. For the things of God, My Spirit will help you. The Holy Spirit with the Flame of God will tell you the things of God. I know that you have a hunger for the things of God. You have to open your mind. You have to open your heart. You have to open your spirit. The things of God are easy, are straight, and are correct.
There's going to be a bus, and the bus is going to hit a tree with a force that's going to kill several, and it's going to break the bodies of others. This bus is going to have the body of a child. The child is going to grow up, and he's going to live with the people of God. This child is going to do evil with the Body of God. The bus broke his body, the bus that hit the tree, that's the work, that's the mark of the devil. The child with the broken body is going to do evil to the Church of My Son Jesus.
He is going to study the Bible, and he's going to know it very well from the front to the end. For he has his mind together to do evil. This child is going to fool, He is going to scare many that believe and know the God of the World, of the Stars, the Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Open your eyes. Open your ears. For the child that was inside the bus, that hit the tree, has evil in his heart, in his mind, in his spirit. He's going to say words that many people are going to believe. For they're going to feel, they're going to have sentiment, because he has a broken body, but the child has evil in his heart, in his spirit.
Open your eyes. Open your ears, and Arm yourself with the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit will show you the correct manner, the straight manner. For there are going to be many that are going to enter in the Body of My Son Jesus, your Christ. They're going to do evil, and they're going to fool the Body, for the things that they do and say.
Arm yourself! Read the Bible, and study. For here comes the day that the devil is going to enter more and more in the Body of your Christ, Jesus. He's going to fool the Ones that think they know it all. For the Ones that believe they know all, just look for God in the box that they made, and they believe they're gods also. But you in the Body of My Son Jesus Christ, I want you to study, study, and study, with your mind pointed to Heaven, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and help each other, all together.
For here comes the day that the devil is going to want to munch, to eat, to kill the Body of My Son. He has his teeth pointed. The time has arrived that you're going to feel more to the point the force of the devil. For the devil, is the devil of the Lies. The devil that is of everything that is filthy and bad.
ARM YOURSELF WITH THE BIBLE! Arm your sons, your Daughters, your family, your friends, with the Bible, and stand straight, and don't move to the left, to the right, to the front, or to the rear, with the Bible in your hands, with your hands raised up to Heaven praying and praying and praying until your tears come out. Asking your God, who is the correct Word, and the Holy Spirit will show you. He will touch your mind, your spirit, your body, and He's going to tell you. Who are the sons of Christ, which is the correct Word, which is the Word of God. For I protect what's Mine, and what's Mine is going to Heaven with Me, and the rest are going to the Pit, but you have to pray. You have to fast. You have to study the Bible, and you have to study now. This minute! Start and I will help you.
This is your God. The Father that made Heaven, the Stars, all that you see,
all that you touch, with the Son Jesus, your Christ, the King of Kings, with
the Force of the Holy Spirit, I will save you. I will protect you. I will
Hug you, and Kiss you, for you are Mine, and I don't want anyone to touch
you. For you are Mine! I tell you these things with all of My Heart
for it is the Truth, and I don't Lie. Look for Me, and I will Hug you, and
Protect you, with My Heart, with My Tears. For there is the devil, with his
pointed teeth, with all of his soldiers, with the hunger for the Blood of
My Son Jesus. Study My Sons, I am there, with My Son, and the Holy
Spirit, never forget that! We are there. We are there. We are there.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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