243. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 December 1992 at 10:33 PM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.
My Beloved. My Light will light up the World in an instant, at the twinkling of an eye. The power of Satan is nothing. Look to Jehovah. Look to Jesus Christ. Look to the Holy Spirit. For if you focus on anything else you will live in the abyss forever. Your umbrella, your protection is your Almighty God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The Light of My Son will light up the Universe.
Every single person alive will know My Son when He appears. Some of you will hide. Some of you will be terrified. Some of you will be Praising the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For when that day comes, the World will shake. The World will tremble. For the Power and Glory of My Son, no one in the Universe can stop. For We Three are One. Now, Tomorrow, Forever.
The day that was stated in the Bible is approaching. "Come ye O faithful people. Come ye O faithful people to My Arms, you righteous, you clean." Your Heavenly Father welcomes you. The ground will open and everything that is filthy, everything that is dirty, everything that is of Satan, will be buried in the abyss.
I have warned you, and I have warned you, and I have warned you! The Day of Reckoning, the Day of Judgment is before you. The Double Edged Sword is in front of you. I will not allow anyone in the middle. "Either you're for Me, or you're against Me!" The Blood of Jesus was shed for My Sheep, My Lambs, My Seeds.
Repent! "Repent of your Sins TODAY." For the Double Edged Sword is sharp. It cuts clean, and it cuts deep. Repent before it's to late. For the Blood of Jesus is there. For the Holy Spirit is there. You have the free will to do nothing. You have the free will to follow Satan. You have the free will to follow My Son to find your Father in Heaven through the Power of the Holy Spirit. The choice is yours.
The Archangels are ready. The devil's angels are ready. The War is on. The War is fierce. Open your eyes! Point it to Heaven. Speak the Name of Jesus. Speak the Name of Jehovah. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit you will find Us.
Turn away from all wicked ways. I love you all My Children. Turn away from the wicked ways of Satan. The devil will destroy you and will torture you forever and ever and ever in the abyss.
Listen to Me Children, for when the clock strikes ten, for when the clock strikes eleven, for when the clock strikes twelve will be the beginning of a new day. For some it will be a Celebration. For countless many it will be the end of the end. For they were blind and they were deaf and they followed the devil, their god, to the pit of the abyss, to the ever dark place.
Turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth TODAY! NOW! Don't make any excuses. "Now, this minute!" For you will see the end in your lifetime, so saith Jehovah, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "Like a thief in the night!" "Like a thief in the night!" You poor Sheep, you poor Lambs just make an effort, and We will guide you, and We will show you. "The Faith of a muster seed, remember that in the Bible. The Faith of a muster Seed!" That's all you need.
Trust in God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We will guide you, but We read the heart, not the lip. Save yourselves, My Children. For the end is in front of your nose. We only want those who want Us, who come freely with open arms, and with an open heart, seeking the love of God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We will protect you from the great war, from the blood bath, from the mad dogs that are hungry for the blood of My Lambs, My Sheep.
You have a choice. Read the Bible. Read the Word that was given to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Implant that in your heart, implant that in your mind, implant that in your spirit. Remember My Son. Remember His Blood. Remember his Tears. Remember His Love for the Sheep, the Lambs. The Ones that are lost. The Ones that have no one. He died for you. He suffered for you. You have a new beginning, but you have forgotten the Blood, the Stripes, the Blows, the Thorns. You have forgotten salvation. (Non-understandable tongues?)
My Father. My Blessed Father, I willingly died. I willingly suffered because I Love you. I Love My Sheep, My Lambs, protect My Sheep, protect My Lambs. Heavenly Father protect My Sheep, protect My Lambs. Help them, guide them. The enemy is strong. The Lambs are weak. They're good Sheep. They're good Lambs, My Father. Guide them. My Heavenly Father guide them to the Rock. Guide them to the Rock. Guide them to the cornerstone. Guide them to the cornerstone. I will not lose one. I will not lose one for My Flock know My Name. For My Flock know Me. They follow their God. Their sacrificial Lamb, their High Priest, their King of Kings, their Lord of Lords. I will not lose one. Guide them to the Rock, My Father. Guide them to our Arms. (Non-understandable tongues?)
Fast and pray, fast and pray, fast and pray, My Sheep, My Lambs. Fast and pray, for the Body of Christ, for your brothers and sisters. The hour of Judgment is close. Make yourselves strong, fast and pray. (Non-understandable tongues?)
Remember the Fig Tree. Remember the Fig Tree, My Children. Turn to My Son. Read the Bible, study, help your brothers and sisters. For all of hell will break loose around you. Make yourself strong, the Blood of Jesus Christ will protect you. Do not be frightened. Make yourselves strong. The Power of the Holy Spirit is infinite, is unbeatable, is unbeatable.
WE WILL PROTECT YOU. Turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Trust in God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and you will be okay. Do not be frightened. Pray and fast, pray and fast, pray and fast, the end is before you or the beginning is before you. The choice is yours, so saith Jehovah with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Remember the Fig Tree. Remember the Fig Tree. Remember the Thorns. Remember the Blood. Remember the Lashes. Remember the Body of My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
"Come ye O faithful people. Come ye O faithful people." I welcome you with
open Arms. "Come ye O faithful people." The beginning is before you. I will
greet you with a Holy Kiss. "Come ye O Holy People." "Come ye O Holy People."
People of God, People of Jehovah, People of Jesus Christ, People of the Holy
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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