242. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 December 1992 at 3:04 AM. in Spanish and English.
Arm yourself My son, arm yourself. The devil wants to eat you. Yes! He wants to eat you with the teeth of steel. He wants to eat you. Read the Bible. Study and pray and pray and pray and pray and pray. For the devil is mad, with the Prophecies, with the Word, I am giving you. He is mad! He is going to want to stop you, but He won't be able to. For no one can stop the Word of God with the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is your Father. Make yourself strong. Stand in front with your hands up praying, with your tears, with your heart, with the hunger of your God, Jesus. Arm yourself! Arm yourself! But don't fear, for the devil can't do a thing. For I am going to send him to the Pit.
Listen! Listen My son, the War around you is intense. Listen to My Words carefully. YOU MUST FAST AND YOU MUST PRAY! AND YOU MUST FAST AND YOU MUST PRAY! Have your friends, anyone who cares about the work that you are doing, to pray for you. TO STAND ON THE ROCK, to pray with their arms extended, to pray with tears, to pray with anger, to pray the Word of God, to pray with their whole heart, mind, and soul, for Lucifer is MAD!
He wants to snuff you out! Every time you type a Word, every time you type a Letter, He SCREAMS and He YELLS! The more you type, the more He screams, the more He yells. You need the prayer cover. You need everyone who reads the Word. You need everyone who reads the Prophecies. You need everyone who cares for their God, their King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, and with the sincerity of protecting you, they must pray for you, Ray.
This is your Father, the I am, I am, I am. Do not worry for Lucifer cannot touch you. He cannot harm you. For the hour, the day, the minute, the second is ever getting closer, and closer and closer that I will send him to the abyss. He's screaming. He's yelling; "SHUT THAT REYMUNDO UP!" "SHUT THAT REYMUNDO UP!" NOW! He's telling his army. He is issuing his orders. "LET HIM SCREAM, let him yell his orders." For there is nothing in the Universe that can stop you, Ray. There is nothing! Stand on the Rock. Type the Prophecies. Type, and type, and type, and type and pray and pray and pray.
Stand on the Rock! Fast and pray! I will instruct you, in the coming days, in the coming months, in the direction you should take, but right now today, this minute, get to know your computer. Get to know the Word and pray and pray and pray and fast. It's important that you fast.
I love you Ray. It hurts Me to see you My son. I am talking to you Ray. I hate to see you in the middle of the War with your hands up screaming and yelling to your God for protection, but you're doing a good job. I am proud of you. Just stand on the Rock and type. Type for My Saints, My Sheep, My Seeds need to hear the Word of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I know that you never expected to be doing what you're doing, but you're still doing it. Even if you don't understand. See how your walk has changed your whole life. Just trust Me, Ray. Your God will never abandon you. My Angels are battling around you, second by second. At times, you do sense it, but most of the time, you go about your daily life trying to figure things out, trying to look for direction.
Just keep praying and celebrate. Celebrate that the devil is screaming and yelling. For every Word you type, every Letter, He screams and He pouts. And He jumps into the air with an unbelievable force, SCREAMING AND YELLING, telling his army to "Shut that Reymundo up!" He doesn't care how. He tells them to shut you up.
So trust in Jehovah the I am, I am, I am. Trust in Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords. Trust the Holy Spirit, the Counselor,
the Provider. For We are there. For We are everywhere. Rest My son. Rest.
Give your body the food it needs right now, but remember! The Fast is important.
The prayers are important. Stand on that Rock, and DO NOT BUDGE! Are
you listening? DO NOT BUDGE! I'll talk to you soon. So with the love
of My Heart, with the love of Jesus Christ's Heart, with the love of the
Holy Spirit, I bid you farewell for now.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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