2285. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 June 2015 at 5:15 PM
Reymundo, I want you to focus more on the upcoming mission trip. I will be sending most of the funds for this mission in the next five weeks, then some later after that. Spiritually focus and physically prepare your body for this mission trip. Your partners need to do this too.
I know you have heard of the Great Wall of China; well, there are also great spiritual walls around the world. They will begin to fall one at a time until they all come down. This is one reason for this mission trip. Changes are going to hit this small planet. The world of evil will try to destroy what is righteous.
People need to stop following man’s church and to read the whole Bible, pray and pray, until the Holy Spirit begins to show them the ways of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Worldly pastors cannot protect you; they cannot even protect themselves. Stop following the blind and listen to the Holy Spirit. That is where the Power of Power is. Evil is going to face you; nose to nose, eye to eye, spirit to Spirit.
Pray for My Reymundo, for he has a lot on his plate. All will go well with this mission trip, for this has been planned for many years. Jehovah knows all and He is in charge of this little planet. So be it! So be it! So be it!
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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