Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 June 2014 at 5:44 AM
power of the Presidency will increase, while the power of Obama will decrease.
Send it out Reymundo, and tell the world. So says the Spirit of God, Jehovah.
pride and arrogance will hit him at home. For I protect what is Mine. What
stupid sees, stupid does. Jehovah sees all, Jehovah will correct all.
your running shoes, for Israel is before you. Reymundo, do as I say, go buy
yourself new running shoes. The walls at Jerusalem are high and straight. The
prayers of the righteous will prevail. The spiritual war around you has
increased, but all is in the Hands of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy
Spirit. I see your struggles, Reymundo. Jehovah has your back protected, for
Satan likes to strike from the back, but he and his followers will lose.
A White Light will appear in the sky and frighten the world. The believers in Jesus Christ will fall to their knees and pray. The rest will panic to their doom. When the car falls in the ditch will be a sign. It is done!
Later 1:39 PM: During prayer the Lord instructed me to walk and pray around the old City walls of Jerusalem three times.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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