2218. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 March 2014 at
Putin will hit the ball out of the ball park. Russia is a
cardboard government, and it will go up in flames. It will have search lights on
all night looking for falling objects. Their people are going to be frightened
during the night as the alarms go off, day and night, because of their false
treaties. The country will be in ruins. Hunger and pain will be their reward for
their evil. Death and destruction will stare them in the face. Young and old
will fall to the sword of the Lord.
Wake up people! The Lord is at the Door to a new beginning.
Save yourselves, seek Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, while there is
still time. Stick you nose in the Bible, for your pastors cannot help you. For
they are lost too. Remember, the blind leading the blind. Both will fall into
the pit. Teach your family the ways of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy
Pride and ego are the ways of the world. Satan and his
followers will feel the Back of My Hand at the end times.
Beware of the hog and the bear, for the owl is watching them
All Glory and Power belong to Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the
Holy Spirit, the Maker, the Breaker of the Universe. The First and the Last of
All, that Was, Is, and Is going to Be.
Now you can go back to sleep, My Reymundo. So be it! So be
it! So be it!
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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