2099. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 July 2012 at 9:42 AM.
Vision: A vision of a pawn in a chess game being moved.
Prophecy: The world is a large chess game, and there will be only one winner; Jesus Christ.
The pawns are being moved now, but the outcome will be the same. I am fulfilling My Promises of many years ago. Those who believe in My Son Jesus Christ will be saved. The rest will go to a determined place for nonbelievers. Time is short, the war drums are beating, the pawns are being moved. The so called game is coming to a close. Many will die and many will be saved to everlasting joy. Remember: To get to the Father, one has to go through the Son Jesus Christ.
Reymundo, Reymundo, like I keep telling you, everything will go well in Israel. Seeds, seeds, seeds. So be it! So be it! So be it!
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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