2079. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 May 2012 at 6:05 AM.
The Lord gave me the following visions and prophecies.
The Lord gave me a vision of a funnel sitting with the pointed end up.
Then the Lord said, "If one pours into the small end of the funnel one can cover a wide area, but if one pours into the wide end of the funnel, one can cover a narrow area and is a more pointed pouring."
(Non understandable tongues) hurry, hurry, hurry. (Non understandable tongues) hear Me, hear Me with your little ears. (Non understandable tongues) vomit, vomit. (Non understandable tongues)
Obama is playing a foolish game.
(Non understandable tongues) Remember the Lord's prayer.
(Non understandable tongues) climb onto the train to heaven.
(Non understandable tongues) hurry, hurry, hurry.
(Non understandable tongues) get your ticket, get your ticket.
(Non understandable tongues) Elder, Elder, Elder.
(Non understandable tongues) Communion, Communion, Communion.
(Non understandable tongues) I am, I am, I am, My son. The One and Only, peace to you and yours, My beloved. The maker, the breaker of the universe.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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