1988. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 May 2010 at 7:15 PM
Today I spoke to Mark G. about the Israel mission trip. I mentioned that I needed my passport and the funds before I could go, and that I did not know for how long the mission trip would last, or when I was supposed to go. Mark said he would love to go, but that he was not sure if he could, since his wife is expecting their third child in August.
An hour later I spoke to Carl G., and I told him that I had spoken to Mark, and that my passport had just arrived after speaking with Mark. I told Carl that all I needed was the funds and the time schedule from the Lord. Carl told me that he could not tell me yet if he could go.
Later I prayed to the Lord about these things, and the Lord gave me these scriptures:
Luke 14:16 Jesus replied: "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests.e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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