Here is the Mp3 sound file for
Prophecy1907. This sound file was recorded as
the Lord spoke through me as in the other Prophecy sound files that have been
uploaded to
It is best to read the text as you listen to the sound
1907. Occurrence and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 January 2007 at 3:29 PM
During my 3 PM prayer time, I felt in the Spirit the Lord holding my hand. I got choked up and wanted to cry, but I remembered all the prayer requests I had received, so I prayed for the people who needed prayer, the translators, email list, for Lois and Stewart, those who support this ministry and everyone I could think of. Then the Lord impressed in my mind that my future wives would be sending me photographs.
While praying for the prayer requests the Lord gave me a vision of a long white candle with an opaque, blue flame.
Then the Lord gave me the following Prophecy:
My Peace be with you. All Glory and Honor belong to the Father, to Jesus Christ, to the Holy Spirit. The ways of man will not prevail. The pastors, the preachers of this world that are following the Ways of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Ways of the Father, the Ways of the Holy Spirit will receive more Power through Jesus Christ’s of Nazareth’s Name. The ones, who are not, are going to become exposed to their evilness. Many are going to become sick, many are going to die, because Jehovah is cleaning up the Body of Christ. It doesn’t matter how great they think they are, and how powerful they think they are. In My Eyes I do not know them.
The end of man’s church is before you. Those that follow the Ways of God will receive the Power. Those that are chasing the dollar, who will find death, will find the back of My Hand. They came into this world with nothing, they will go with nothing. They will not even find the life after death. They will find the pit; the place I have set aside for the devil. This message is correct, to the point. Only the pastors, the preachers, the priests, who read the Bible, obey the Bible, believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, believe in the Father and in the Power of the Holy Spirit; Reymundo, as I held your hand, I will hold their hand. I will guide them. I will Love them. I will correct them, and We will all become One. Don’t forget your wives will be sending you photographs of themselves. The Power of red is important. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)
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