Here is the Mp3 sound file for
Prophecy1895. This sound file was recorded as
the Lord spoke through me as in the other Prophecy sound files that have been
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It is best to read the text as you listen to the sound
1895. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 December 2006 at 8:22 AM
Good morning Reymundo. Here comes the rush, the rush for knowledge, the rush for the Kingdom of God, the rush for Jehovah, the rush for Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the rush for the Holy Spirit, all in One. Remember, the rush for knowledge is here, with Power, with Might. The things of God are going to be revealed with a mighty Force, with the Power and the Might of Jehovah, with the Power and Might of Jesus Christ, with the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit. The Ark of the Covenant is there, waiting, the Jewel of Heaven is there, the Salvation of Heaven is there, the Power of Power.
There is a mighty storm coming, encircling the planet. The storm is really a battle of the spirits. The outcome has already been decided. The Glory of God is here. The things of God will be revealed through the prophets. The Power and Might is here. The Power and Might is here. The Power and Might is here. Get on your knees and pray. Get on your knees and pray and share in this knowledge of God. Be aware of the evil things that will happen through the media, through politicians, through governments, through TV-evangelists, through church leaders who have no idea of who the Holy Spirit is. Their preaching is formulas, formulas that they can buy, formulas that they believe gives them the wisdom of God. But there is no wisdom in their souls, there is no Holy Spirit in their souls, only man’s knowledge.
Remember, get your nose in the Bible and read. The knowledge of God is there. The Wisdom of God is there. The Power of God is there. Look for the things that are righteous. Look for your brothers and sisters, pray together, have Communion, seek the Wisdom of the Bible, seek the Wisdom of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit you will find Jehovah. You will find Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You will find the Holy Spirit.
There is a rush in the Spirit, the rush for knowledge between good and evil. Choose the side that is in your heart because the end is before you. Either you are for Me or you are against Me. So Saith Jehovah. So Saith Jesus Christ. So saith the Holy Spirit. There is a rush in the Spirit for good and evil. At times you will find it at church, at times you will find it in the street, at times you will find it during prayer. There is a rush in the Spirit for knowledge for the Wisdom of God. Seek and you will find, through the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Power and Might is there. So be it! So be it! So be it!
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