Here is the Mp3 sound file for
Prophecy1877. This sound file was recorded as
the Lord spoke through me as the other Prophecy sound files that have been
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1877. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 November 2006 at 3:11 PM in Spanish and English
It disgusts Me! It disgusts Me, with everything that I see! Yes, it has arrived; all, to the point – All! Here comes the date – the Date of God, to the point! Open your eyes. Open your ears. Here comes the Date – the Date of God. Yes, yes – eat the Communion. Yes, eat the Communion. I want you to pray, to pray, to pray until you cannot speak. With the Lips of God, with the Lips of Jesus, with the Lips of the Holy Spirit, yes the Date has arrived – the Date of God.
Come, come, look into My Heart and see what you will find. Love, Love, Love, the Love for My Flock, the Love for everything that is right, the Love of everything that is, of everything that will be, Love, Love, Love. That’s what is in the Heart of Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Open your eyes. Open your ears. Listen to what the Lord Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has to say. If you are driving down the street and your windshield is dirty, you turn on your wipers so you can see clearly. That’s what I am telling you to do. If you are confused you can’t see clearly the Word of God.
Put your nose into the Bible and read and read, pray and pray. Have Communion. Seek the things of the Lord and you will find the Lord, your God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Man tries to manipulate, to twist and turn the Words of God in the manner of man. Man cannot save no one, he cannot save himself. The devil has man in his pocket, and both pocket and the devil are going to hell. There are many people in this world that are held in honor and with respect, and they are going to hell. Because they have their eyes closed. They have their ears closed to the Word of God. The honor of man is nothing! The Honor of God is everything. You respect God, God respects you. You Love God, God Loves you. It is simple, straight, direct, and to the point. Here comes the days of flames, bullets, rockets, poison gas, diseases, dead bodies, of things no one should see. They are right around the corner. If you want to save yourselves, your families, your friends, open that Bible, read the Word of God, have Communion, pray, pray and pray. Pray at three and at seven and pray and pray and pray. You seek your Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and they will protect you. These are not idle Words, these are true Words. They are straight, direct and to the point.
But if you want to play worldly games, fool yourself with the things of the world, you will die with the world. Remember the bullets, remember the poison gas, remember, the eyes of the devil are upon you with pointed teeth, slimy wet tongue, ready to swallow you head first with the love of the devil. You have a choice. Either it is Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, or the bad breath of the devil with his slimy tongue, sucking your eyes out, one at a time.
Remember, read the Bible from beginning to end, pray, pray, pray, have Communion, seek your brothers and sisters in the streets. Don’t be afraid to correct your pastor if he is leading you and others astray. It would be better to get a new pastor, than have the whole flock fall into the pit. One bad pastor can lead many astray. Remember, the Ways of God are clear, straight, and to the point. You don’t have to twist the Words of God to understand the Words of God. The Love of God is there! The Mercies of God are there. Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness are the Ways of God if you are truly seeking God with your whole heart, mind and soul. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)
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