1808. Occurrence
given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 January 2005
During prayer I asked the Lord, “Why didn’t you tell me
about the tsunami that hit Asia?”
The Lord said, “I did, many years ago, and I knew people
would not believe you, even if I told you a month before it happened, and the
same people would die anyways.”
Then the Lord showed me the following Prophecies:
883. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 March 1996 at 12:44 AM. in Spanish.
Get up! Get up, My son. I tell you the truth, exactly. You have to get up! You have to work, and you have to point your nose into the bible. I am going to show you the things of God. I tell you because what I said to the past Prophets is going to happen. I am going to tell you the same, with the Lips of God, with the Eyes of God. Yes, the things of the end are here now. You are going to know what have I told you is the Truth.
The earthquake is going to arrive- the earthquake of the world. Yes, the earthquake is going to arrive. Everything is going to fall, and the water is going to rise. The large cities are going to fall because the earthquake is going to be VERY BIG. The whole world is going to be frightened. They are going to be frightened because they are going to know the God of Heaven, the One who made everything, with His Word, with the Holy Spirit. That He is the God of God's. He is the King of Kings. ALL is in His Hands; all that is His; He is going to Clean. All that is NOT His; He is going to give to the devil, and the devil and his things are going to the pit for all the time, that there is time.
You have to write the Words of God in the manner of God. For it has arrived, exactly, to the letter, to the point, all that I have told you about the past Prophets, is going to happen. You are the only one... (not understandable), that can understand, if you read the bible, with the Eyes of God. Exactly, that's what I am telling you.
For the ones of the church turn everything up and down. And they don't seek with clarity what the Father wants to say. What a shame, Reymundo. What a shame. For they twist all, they twist everything, every which way. And they don't read the Word with the eyes of God. They read the Word with the eyes of money, with the lips that are pure with the purity of lies. Oh. Oh. Oh. How hard is the head of man.
I am going to show you things, Reymundo, but I want you to have a clear head. I know that you have worries - for the things that I am going to tell you, are very big. They are the things people of the world have always wanted to know, for many, many years. But I chose you before you were born, to do what you are going to do. Did you hear Me Clearly, and to the Point? I am NOT telling you these things so you can elevate your face or head. I don't want you to think you are great because great things fall! I want you to seek the things of God in the manner of God, like a little child, with the eyes of a baby because babies seek Me, with clear eyes, and with a clear heart.
But the so - called great seek with the eyes of the devil, pointed at the devil, pointed at the money. They like the power. But you know who you are speaking to. They don't know. They don't know the Word when they hear it, because they believe they are so great.
I tell you in the manner of God: Sometimes you are going to learn very easily, and sometimes it's going to be harder, but you are going to know the Truth. Study the bible, and I want you to pray, and I want you to study. I will help you. I could tell you all that I want in one minute, but I don't want to do that right now. I want to see your perspiration on top of your head, learning the things of God, in the manner of God. But the correct manner is there, but I want you to study. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? I want you to study! I will give you the money for your house, for the telephone, for your computer, for all the things that you are going to need. But the most important thing is to STUDY, with the Eyes of God, with the Ears of God, with the Heart of God, with the Heart of a little child. Did you hear Me Clearly, and to the Point?
All that I promised you, I am going to give you Clearly, and to the Point. I know that you are anxious. I know that you feel very lonely. I know that you are waiting for your wife, but everything will arrive at the time that I choose. It is close. You have to wait a little while longer, because everything that you have wanted, I am going to give you. I know it is hard, for there are people that don't believe you, but that problem is Mine. It's not yours, because the Word is Mine, not yours. Do you understand? All you have to do is write what I tell you, and to the Point. And I will protect you.
There are many people that don't like you. There are many people that are very mad for what you write for your Father. But I am going to correct them, whether you see it or not. I will correct them in one manner or another. For we have arrived at the time; there will be no time. Many people are going to ask you questions that you won't be able to answer. If you do not know, don't say a thing. They are going to get mad because you won't answer them, but like I said to you, "It's My Word not yours." I will correct them. For they believe they know it all, and I am going to show them that they don't know a thing. But I am going to show them in the manner of God. I tell you the Truth. Exactly.
I know its been very hard these past seven years, but everyone who has received My Word has suffered, in one manner or another. That's because the devil is strong in the hearts of the people of the world. People like to hear from the devil, and they don't like to hear from God. For the manner of the devil is very easy. And for the manner of God; you have to make yourself strong; you have to make yourself clean; and you have to seek Me with the Heart of God. And it's a lot of work for people. It's a lot of work for the people, for everyone wants it easy. The Road of God is NOT wide, but the road of the devil is VERY wide. You have to travel by the narrow Road. For you have to suffer, with the rest of the Body of My Son.
They (the unbelievers) do not want to hear that Word, for they want to find Me easily without suffering, but I tell you the truth! It is true that I have had some find Me without suffering, but I have some plans for them. The rest - it's because they don't know how to seek Me like a child. They want to tell Me how I can speak, what I can show, what I cannot show, what I can do- what I cannot do, like THEY are god; and I have to do what they say. That's not the manner of God. That's the manner of the devil. But Reymundo, you don't have to worry about such things. When I tell you something, you just write it and send it out. The rest- I will have to correct with My Word.
When you cry in the night, I know that you feel alone. And when your heart cries because it feels so alone - you believe that I don't hear you, but you are in My Hands. Do you remember the Words that I gave you years ago, when I told you; that you had to place your eyes on Me in all things, if it was bad or good, to stand on the Rock of My Son, Jesus, and not to move until I told you to do something - for things are going to go up and down? You just remember to stand or sit on the top of the Rock of My Son, Jesus. If it is bad or if it is good, all will go well. But there are things that I have to tell the Body, and your ears want to hear it all. I am going to give you the chance, but I want you to stand on top of Rock. Did you hear Me Clearly, and to the Point? This is your Father, with the Son, Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, telling you the Wisdom from Heaven with Love, with the Lips of Jesus, with the Lips of the Holy Spirit, with the Lips of your Father.
I know that sometimes you believe that I don't Love you with the Love of God, but yes; I Love you. I Love you a lot, Reymundo, but I know that the devil hits you in the head and you feel alone. I know that there are many brothers and sisters that don't want to help you, because they have hard hearts. They think- but they don't do- what I tell them. I am going to correct them. There are many that want to get mad with the flame of the devil; they want to eat you. I am going to correct them also.
For when I say something, its going to happen. When people open up their hearts and they seek Me and they do what I tell them, I like it. Those are the ones that I am going to save, for they have the Ears of God, they have the Eyes of God, they have the Nose of God because they have the Love of God. The Love of the Children. This is all that I want to tell you on this night, Reymundo. You can now lay down now and go to sleep. I know that you are tired. I know that you are ill, but you have to trust Me. All will go well with your computer, with your house, with your wife (the one that you don't know yet). Rest and sleep. I will speak to you on another day and I will give you more wisdom about the end, and about your heart. Remember- I hear your Tears. You are not alone. I hear your Tears My son. Rest and sleep. This is your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, telling you- that We Three Love you with all of My Heart. Sleep and rest. (over)
1403. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 August 1999 at 1:30 AM in Spanish.
Yes, Reymundo, I know everything. I know everything! It has arrived to the point the day that the ground is going to separate with the Force of God. Yes, My son it has arrived, the earthquake - the earthquake of God, with the Force of God. People believe that all is saved, but the thing is - I, God, the One who made everything - I know what is saved and what is not!
Yes, here comes the earthquake with the Force of God! Here comes the blood of all that have the sin pointed toward the pit. "Ay Caramba" (Spanish word for good gracious!) what a shame! What a shame the day of the earthquake is going to be!
But I know that people are not going to believe you, Reymundo. They believe you are crazy! They do not know that you are pointed toward Heaven, to My Son Jesus! But the thing is - they are going to suffer and you are not. For you are in My Hands with the Force of God. But it has arrived, the earthquake for the people who have a hard head, that have a hard heart, and have their hands over their eyes and ears. Ay-yi-yi, what a shame! They believe they know it all, and they know nothing! Here comes My Hand, straight and direct, to the point. Here comes the earthquake. Yes, My son here it comes. (over)
1336. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 May 1999 at 10:40 AM.
The Lord said, "Cry, Reymundo, cry - here comes the earthquake!"
Vision: Then the Lord gave me a vision of this crack form on the ground. Then water began to fall into this crack. It looked like a long waterfall from both sides of the cracked earth as the water tried to fill the opened earth.
1463. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 February 2000 at 12:55 AM.
I am sensing a strong earthquake. I can hear the strong shock wave in the spirit, and I can feel the ground moving. I do not know where it is happening, but it is very strong. (over)
Then the Lord showed me these Words from 158. Prophecy:
I am going to show them how to kill. For I am going to kill whatever is evil with My Hand, with the earthquake, and it's going to hit with a Force that's going to frighten the World. For if they want to kill, I'll show them how I kill what is evil, dirty, and what isn't Mine. I'm going to close this World and I am going to lock up the devil in the pit…..
The ground is going to open and it's going to eat all that's dirty until the stink of the bodies will make your nose want to hide from the smell of what is dead…..
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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