1797. Visions given to Raymond Aguilera 20 October 2004 at 9 PM
All of the visions below began with this strong desire to pray, but every time I would try to pray someone would come into the room or the telephone would ring. This went on all day. Late in the evening I felt frustrated because of this, so I called Carl to pray with me. I had not spoken to Carl for very long when his telephone rang and he had to hang up. So I left my office and went into the living room and told Eva if the telephone rings do not bother me. I had made up my mind to pray and get the prayer burden off of me. Then after praying and documenting the visions the spiritual warfare began for the next few days.
I saw Three Wheels or Pulleys being pulled by one belt.
I saw something that looked like a dark chocolate bar with a corner of it bitten off.
I saw a stone statue with a lion’s head. It looked like it was painted gold or it was covered with gold. I am not sure of which.
I saw another statue of a large, gray, male elephant with large ears with his trunk winging.
I saw a ship or a submarine at night with the top part of the ship lit up.
I saw a thin engagement ring with a small blue stone. What was usual was that the stone was mounted on some kind of screw and the stone could be screwed up about a quarter of an inch.
I saw five or six goldfish swimming in a circle head to tail going clockwise.
I saw what looked like a B-2 Stealth Bomber, but it was floating in the water almost like it was a submarine. It reminded me of a large sting ray fish floating in the water. Whether it was a plane or a submarine I could not really tell because it was late in the evening.
I saw the logo or the symbol of United Airlines (the U).
I saw the word “Romans 21”. Question: There is no Romans 21 in the Bible, unless this meant Romans; Chapter 2, verse 1?
I saw a vision of a white lit candle with the wax melting over the side.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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