1791. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 August 2004 at 2:54 PM
I am the Lord. I am the Lord of all all that you see, all that you touch, all that you want! Peace, love, patience, endurance, all these things come from the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, through the Father Jehovah. Peace will never come from man. For man loves to destroy everything he touches, everything he sees, everything he wants. People have died through the centuries for mans ideals. For the greed of man is large, as large as an ocean. His heart can never be filled with enough things, enough power.
Open your minds, open your ears, open your heart, remember the Ring of the Bride will only come to those who love the Father, who love Jesus Christ, who love the Holy Spirit. The Power and Might Rest in the Hands of God. Peace and glory be to My Prophets. Peace and glory be to all who spread the Word of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For the Power and Might Rest in the Hands of the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. These are not empty Words these are Words of Power and Might.
Heaven is the place where life begins for all the time there is time, and where peace lives forever. Peace is beyond mans understanding. For the glory of man is the devil. Remember, the things of man are evil, wicked, deceitful.
The Power and Might of Jehovah, of Jesus Christ, of the Holy Spirit will be upon those who seek Him through Prayer, through the Bible, through Love. The Art of Loving is giving. The Art of receiving is Loving. Remember, those who give, those who receive with the Spirit of the Holy Spirit will embellish the Body of Christ, will help those who need help, will Glorify the Father, will Glorify the Son, will Glorify the Holy Spirit. The brothers, the sisters who speak of helping the Body and stop without delivering what they say are an abomination to the Lord. They will taste, they will see the wrath of God. For the things of God are not handled lightly. A covenant between man and God is enduring. Man will not honor his covenant God will honor all (His) covenants with the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit, with the Power and Might of His Name. Jesus Christ, the King of King, the Lord of Lords will correct the things that need to be corrected.
Remember, you help, you encourage, you love you will receive peace and love and the Thanks of Jehovah, the Thanks of Jesus Christ, Thanks of the Holy Spirit. The fangs of the snake will always bite and strangle the evil doers. Satan loves the corruption, the lies, the deceit. The battleground has been set the time has come. Those who Love Jehovah; read the Bible. Those who Love Jehovah; help the Body of Christ. Those who Love Jehovah; fear God. Those who kill unborn babies love the serpent love the devil, love themselves.
Honor your mother, honor your father, honor your wives, honor your children, with the Love of Jesus, with the Love of Jehovah, with the Love of the Holy Spirit. A soldier never leaves his weapon unclean, unprepared. Remember My Words, the end is before you. The Power of Jehovah, the Power of Jesus, the Power of the Holy Spirit will defend you, but only those that belong to His Flock will understand these Words. Remember, the devil is there. Your Lord is there. Make your choice!
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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