1787. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 August 2004 at 6:33 AM in Spanish
Yes, My son how is it going? How is going? It has arrived. It has arrived, the things of God. The country of the Japanese is going to lift them selves up. They are going to wake up. Yes, it has arrived, the day of the Japanese. It has arrived!
The cover, the cover, yes how the things of God are. How they are. Here comes the boat. Oh, such a large boat oh, so large. Yes, it is dark because all that is is bad. Yes, it has arrived, the boat.
The Star, the Star of God with the flame of all that is Good is going to hit at the point, at the point.
How it is. How it is, the manner of man. How it is. It has arrived. It has arrived to the point, to the point; the pig and the cat are going to begin to fight. The pig is stronger. Yes, he is stronger, to the point. He is stronger! Yes, the pig and the cat are going to fight, to the point. Yes! The flame, the flame of the devil is going to begin when they put the key in the door. Yes, the key in the door. Oh they believe they are so intelligent, but they know nothing. They are dumb with their key. Yes, it has arrived, the day of the key. It has arrived, the day of the flame!
There, there is the prostitute, the pointed prostitute with her chest. She believes she is so beautiful. Yes, the prostitute, the prostitute of the devil. Why not! Why not! Why not! The prostitute is going to call you with flames in her eyes, with the eyes of the devil, with her red lips, with her tongue. Yes, yes, the prostitute. All, all of the prostitute is of the devil and she doesnt want to stop the bad manner. Yes, she is seeking you! Yes, here comes the whore of the world with the teeth of the devil, seeking the flesh of men that are stupid. Yes, it has arrived watch yourself! Watch yourself! The prostitute believes she is great. Yes, but you have to make yourself valiant. You have to make yourself strong, and you have to fight with the Word of God, because the whore knows the Word of God too. But you know the correct manner and the whore cannot touch you with the tongue of the devil, with the chest of the devil, with the legs of the devil.
Come-on (hurry), turn your back and run. Run! Run with all, with all that you have. Yes run because she, the whore, wants to eat you the whore, the whore of the devil. The world, the world of all that is bad loves the whore (prostitute). Yes, they open their arms and they want to kiss the prostitute, the prostitute of the devil. Come-on (hurry), run! Run rapidly, because the whore is looking for you. Yes, the whore who kills the hearts of men with the eyes of the devil. (over)
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