1782. Visions and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 July 2004
The beginning visions were given upstairs on my bed and when the visions stopped I walked downstairs to record them. During this tape recording the Lord started giving me more visions and prophecies.
I went to take a nap because I was so tired. Then the Lord began to show me visions. The first vision the Lord gave me was of a wooden wheel with wooden spokes. There was a metal band around the circumference of the wheel. And what was so strange was that surrounding the outside surface of this metal band there was a vine of thorns. This vine of thorns covered the whole outside of this metal rim.
Then the Lord gave me a vision of what looked like the Eiffel Tower, or an oilrig tower, the kind that they use for pumping oil out of the ground. The two looked similar; but the image kept changing, from the Eiffel Tower to this oilrig, so I don’t know if it was one image or two images. Then I saw a flame on top of this tower, - Eiffel Tower or oil tower. I don’t know which, but there was a big fire on top of one of them.
Then the Lord gave me a vision of this building. It was rectangular, multistory, and it exploded. It came down like the Twin Towers Buildings that were in New York City, they were not as tall, but it was a multistory building. It just exploded and collapsed downward.
During this time my prayer language just seemed to go everywhere, and the Lord said, “Be more firm with your wife Eva. For she forgets you are My Anointed, be more firm with her.”
Then the Lord gave me a vision of the Dome of the Rock, and it seemed like the ground underneath it shook. I could not see anything falling, but I could see the ground shaking underneath. My prayer language just kept going and going in different dialects. The Lord kept saying, “Be strong, be brave.”
I don’t remember any more, but I sense the Lord’s Presence right now this second. There is this sense of something happening or going to happen soon and I just can’t put my spiritual finger on it. There is just a Power Presence in my office now. Now I see the silhouette of a horse, a dark horse. I can’t see the head, just from the shoulders back. It’s a very shiny, sleek black horse.
Tongues: (two days later, July 7, the Lord gave me the interpretation of the prayer language tape recorded here.)
Watch yourself for it is going to take you awhile (to occupy or fulfill something). I have already setup what I told you. You are My Secretary. Like I said, you have to arm yourself. She is here, the prostitute, to occupy what she has established. Didn’t I tell you she would?
Prophecy: (English)
Why do people ask Me what is going to happen when they can read the Bible and hear My Words directly and exactly to what’s going to happen in the future? I send (you) My Prophets; you close your ears and you bury your head in the sand. I give you signs, I give you visions, and you dismiss them; you close your eyes, cover your ears. And the next second you’re asking Me what is going to happen? Tell me the future. And I tell you again. You cover your eyes, you cover your ears and you bury your head in the sand, not wanting to hear the Words of your Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You (only) want to hear what you want to hear. You (only) want to see what you want to see.
Tongues: (two days later, July 7, the Lord gave me the interpretation of the prayer language tape recorded here.)
That filthy prostitute. That fifthly prostitute is calculating but stupid - she is searching the world.
Prophecy: (English)
The blind will see. The intellectual will become blind. The powerful will become powerless and the weak will be slaughtered. People have no idea of the end because they are blind and they are dumb. You show them and you show them and you show them, and they cover their eyes and their ears. I tell them that life begins at conception and they don’t want to hear it. I tell them that marriage is between a man and a woman and they don’t want to hear it. I tell them to love each other – they don’t want to hear it. The Powers that be - will be! The end is before you, and you’re blind and you’re dumb. So be it, so be it, so be it. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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