1708. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 October 2002 at 2 PM.
If you have an umbrella get it out. For it is going to be raining nuclear. It is going to be like snowflakes. Use your umbrella, save yourselves. People do not believe that things like this can happen. The train is on its way, the wheels are rolling, the switches are being pulled and pushed. The sun will become dark. Buildings will become ashes. There will be lack of water, lack of food, lack of love. Fear is going to be common. The power of Satan will be released. It will be forceful. It will be powerful.
Remember I told the Body to read the Bible. I told them and I told them and I told them. The smart ones listened. The smarted ones had Communion. The blind, the deaf, the insensitive will die. I remember I see and I protect the tears of the Christians who obey. The Cross of Jesus Christ will be persecuted around the world; family members against family members, religions against religions. Remember; I placed this in the Bible many hundreds of years ago.
The time is before you. You can open your eyes. You can open your ears. You can see what the Power of the Holy Spirit…(?)
The things that you are doing now; buying this, buying that, selling this, selling that, are going to come to an end. Everything is going to change in an instant. The money will stop. The oil will stop. The problems of the world will begin. I am speaking seriously to the Body: Be prepared, be wise, be strong, be bold, be careful. The devil has been waiting for this day for many years, but it is his doom, he is finished. But he loves to destroy, to kill all that is righteous. So be it! So be it! So be it!
Remember you were warned. Remember the day is before you. Be smart, be wise, stop playing church and seek Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit, and Me the Father. We are your Covering. Farewell, farewell, farewell. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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