Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 2002 at 1:56 AM in English
and Tongues.
Peace My brother, peace.
The reason your recorder went dead is the enemy hit it, I mean the devil
stopped your recorder. I am not
worried, Reymundo, no one can beat Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
No one can beat Us. The
things of God are the things of God. Those
who walk in the Spirit understand the ways, the manners of God.
Remember what I told you about the parables; – only those who walk in
the Spirit can understand them. Some
have multiple meanings, but you have to be in the Spirit, the Spirit of God.
People complain because they do not understand the parables of the
prophecies, the parables of the Bible. Your
Lord Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have reasons for the ways things
are done.
I am sorry to say, that you do have to
go to Africa. You have to go soon
because in the coming months and the coming years things are going to heat up.
And I do not want you there during those times.
The devil is going to run ramped for the blood of Christians.
The main word, the word that is going to be on their minds, in their
hearts, in their spirits is “kill, kill, kill, kill this, kill that, kill
Christians.” The value of life is
going to be very small. Remember
what I said in the Bible about birth pains.
What is going to happen in Africa are birth pains of the end.
I know you are amazed that most people
don’t believe you. That most
people don’t read the Bible. That
most people don’t understand what is going on.
But I state that in the Bible also.
The leaderships are dead. They
are seeking money. They are seeking
fame. They are seeking My Throne.
Their reward is here on earth, but that is going to come to an end mighty
soon. The pastors that are seeking
financial gain, the places of honor, are going to get the back of My Hand.
The only thing is, – once I hit them they will never get up!
They don’t believe that statement in the Bible where I state that I
never knew them! No matter how many
demons they say they cast out. No
matter how many times they say they preached My Word.
I never knew them! Their
reward is today, now! But forever
they will be in a place that I wouldn’t want to send anyone, but that is the
way it has to be. Either you are
for Me or you are against Me. The
Gospels, the Words of God are sacred. You
can twist them. You can stretch
them, do whatever you like, but there will be an accounting.
They forget that scripture where it says “It will be like a millstone
tied around their neck and thrown into the sea”.
They think they know it all, but all they will know and feel is the back
of My Hand. I am not playing games
The time, the period of grace is coming
to an end. I am going to be
building a new world. I am going to
bring My Body under My Wing. With
the Power and the Vengeances of God I will purify it.
Many of My Flock are misled. They don’t know it,
they don’t understand it, because they don’t read the Bible. They don’t really pray.
Pastors tell them, “Say Amen” and they all say Amen.
The pastors say, stand up and they stand up like puppets.
The pastors say, “Give me your money” and they give them their money.
The pastors say, “Sit down”.
And they sit down. But do
they really look for God? Do they
really seek with a pure heart, a clean mind?
They all want something. They
want everything, but they don’t want to know Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit. I read the heart, the
spiritual heart that is in Communion with the Holy Spirit.
Remember the scripture where Jesus said,
how many times He wished He could gather them under His wing, for they knew not
what they were doing. Nothing has
changed. Thousands of years have
gone by from the time of Abraham to the time of today.
People still have their idols. People
still have there demands, and the devil keeps feeding them and they keep eating
the words of the devil. So be it!
So be it!
So Reymundo, get ready, I will be sending you the money soon. You have to Anoint Africa, for the end is before Us. The end of everything that is evil. The end of everything that man looks up too. The fall of society. The fall of everything. Make yourself strong because the warfare is increasing around you, but I have people praying for you all over the world. I have My Angels protecting you. I will heal your body, your mind, your spirit. We have a job to do. We have a job to finish. So be it! So be it! (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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