1685. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 31 July 2002 at 12:56 PM in English.
The Art of Love is giving. The Art of Giving is Loving Jehovah. The peacemakers of the world look for peace. They look for peace in man. They look for peace in governments. But no one truly looks for peace in Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. My Holy Servants, My Beloved's, remember the Art of Giving is the Love of Jehovah. One can give their life. One can give food. One can give money. One can give their heart - their soul. But if you point all of these things to the Kingdom of God, to the Love of God, you will be blessed. And I do not mean blessed by the way man interprets the word. I mean a Holy Blessing. A blessing that can't be counted, can't be numbered. Man can't even recognize the word, "Blessing", in the terms and in the ways that God interprets that Word.
The churches of today are seeking funds - they are not seeking the Love of God. Truly they are Not. Though they say they are, but their hearts are pointed to buildings, the outward appearance of man, trying to look successful. Those are not the ways of God, the God who created the universe, with the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are seeking the True value of giving - the True value of Love.
What a shame! What a shame! What a shame that man has never really understood the meaning of Love - the meaning of giving. We are so close, but yet We are so far, because they do not understand that Word of Love, the Word of Blessed, Blessings. The Body of Christ is going to endure hardships, many things that they will never comprehend.
They will say, "Why, why is God letting these things happen. Aren't we following the path?"
They will never understand because they think like man. God "Knows", where He is at. God "Knows", where He is going, because God is everywhere. The things of God are sacred. The things of man are sinful. The two will never mix.
If you want to know God, read the Bible - Pray - have Communion - lookout for your Brothers and Sisters. It is very simple. You give the Word of God to fellow man. You help him. You guide him the best you can through the Power of the Holy Spirit. The both of you will find Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It is simple. It is direct. It is to the point.
Many people are truly seeking Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but they are trapped. They are trapped in their doctrine. They are trapped in their church. They are locked-in to a manner of thinking that will never find God - Truly find God. You need to search your heart - Truly search your Lord, the Love of Love, the Creator of the universe, of all that you have seen, of all that you have done, of all that you will do, of all that you touch, of all that you will see. There are not enough Words to describe "God" - Because God is everything.
You might not understand, but God is looking at you right now. He can see your heart, see your mind. The Bible says, "He knows every hair in your head." But God knows more than that. More than you could comprehend. He is seeking you, but His seeking - in a sense is waiting. He is waiting for you to open your arms, open your heart, open your mind to look for Him, with the Love of God, with all that you have. Some have more than others, but that is not important. The important thing is that you are seeking on a level that only you understand. Only you can comprehend that there is a true God. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit there will be communications. There will be a sense of Holiness in your spirit. But remember only the True Meaning of Love is what is important, because that Word points you to Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Many of you are wondering exactly what My prophet Reymundo is saying. Some of you are confused. Some of you have one foot in the church, the church of man, and the other foot seeking Me. You are confused. You do not know what to do, where to go. And there are others who hate, Reymundo, with the passion of the devil. Some cannot even sleep they hate him so much, but that is a problem I will solve. Reymundo has one job; to put down and deliver My Word. Whether you like it or not - he will place these Words in television commercials, radio commercials, on the Internet, in letters, in newspapers. Reymundo, hasn't had a penny really, but to show you the miracle of God all of this will be done. Because Reymundo doesn't need money, he just needs Me. Many people think that he has lots of money making. Lots of money through Books and through the ministry. But if people only knew that he has touched millions, and millions and millions and millions of people - and there has only been about thirty-five, maybe forty people, that have truly supported him through the years. That is the miracle I am telling you.
God can touch the world with a few people that are focused. Those people are going to be blessed beyond your comprehension of what the word means. Raymond and his little group have wondered how the Lord is moving. But through blind obedience, this ministry has stretched its fingers, its arms, to every corner of the world. It has made people fall on their knees and pray. It has made people cry many tears. It has brought out a lot of anger in many people. I am sorry to say - it is mainly from elders of this church. This man made church that so they believe runs My Body. So be it! So be it! Reymundo has been getting things in order… (My tape recorder ran out of tape here. So I guess I am suppose to stop here and assume the rest was only for my ears.) (over)
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