1554. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 October 2000 at 5:20 PM.
Listen Reymundo, the world is going to bow down to Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, for all that you see is going to stop to the point. Watch out, for the Body of My Son is going to come after you with a vengeance. But do not worry for you are in My Hands. For I am the corrector, the breaker, of the universe.
For the forces on the planet are assembling and moving into their positions with power and force. There is going to be a fire in a certain large city that will be a sign to you My son, that what I have said is all the truth. Be careful for the Body of My Son is going to try to entrap you. So I want you just to say nothing, for it is My Battle, not yours. I will correct it with My Powerful Hand. They are a stiff necked and hardheaded people. But Like I said, "No matter what they say - you keep quite".
Thank you, for all of the good work and We will speak again. Your Loving Father Jehovah, with Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit telling you the wisdom of Heaven.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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