1522. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 July 2000.
On our visit to Maanaim School outside Sao Paulo, a Brazilian Christian preschool, elementary and middle school, for poor school children for the ages 3-14.
The Lord gave me this Word upon arrival in the school lobby, "Anoint all four corners and the center of the school."
After we had finished Anointing the grounds, the Lord said, "Make a big cross over the center of the just anointed school grounds - out of dirt."
When we first began looking for this dirt to make a large cross, we went to a refuse area used for burning trash. For we saw a mound of dirt there, but the Lord said, "No! - Not this dirt!"
As the three of us began to seek for some more dirt, one of us saw a fresh delivered mound of sand, which was going to be used for construction. So we used this to make a large cross about in the center of the school.
Then later the Lord said, "Go in peace"
Some more pictures: Sonia the school teacher and Carl with a student and his mother, and a mother with 8 of her children.
During Communion prayer, the Lord gave me a vision of a steel structure in the shape, that remained me of the Washington monument, but it was only a shaped steel structure made out of I-Beams and X shape steel beams. While I was watching it, it vaporized and fell down like dust.
Note: Days later in the Capital City of Brasilia, we find this steel structure I saw in this vision.
Then Lord said, "I am going to destroy the idols of Brazil."
Vision at 12:30 AM:
I was shown a medium sized turtle, about the size of a dinner plate, with a hand holding it. It was brought up towards someone's mouth and the head was bitten off.
Vision the next
We went to Carl's Brazilian friend’s house, for Carl’s Birthday party and
the Lord gave me a vision of a very long, rectangular table – as far as my
spiritual eyes could see. On the table I could see all the way down plates and
wineglasses, but the wineglasses were upside down.
Then this table vision changed and the wineglasses turned upright and were now full of red wine.
Then I saw a large Jim Bowie looking knife, which was just carving deeply into South America.
Then I saw a river of gold.
Then the Lord said, "There is going to be a river of gold in Brazil. Then after the river of gold there is going to be a river of blood."
Then the Lord gave me a vision of gray steps (marble stone colored) leading up to some place.
Then I saw a large golden brown colored pig with a flat snout. I could see that someone was pulling the pig by a rope that was tied around the pig's snout.
Then the Lord said, "Stay focused, stay pointed, the demonic forces are strong."
Later that day, I received the instructions from the Lord to anoint Flavia with oil. For Flavia had health problems with her liver. She was Carl's friend in Brazil.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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