959. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 September
1996 at 4:30 PM.
During prayer time, the Lord led me to the Lord's Prayer. Then during the saying the of the Lord's prayer, I saw a dam filled with water - then the dam burst. The Lord led me to believe that it was going to happen in the southwestern part of the United States by showing me the word "Colorado" and showing me a dam - and it looked like the Hoover Dam in Arizona.
Then the Lord showed me a water faucet with only one drop coming out of it.
Then - while I laid on the bed thinking about what I had
seen, I felt this spirit sit on my chest. It startled me - as the weight
got heavier and heavier. It was there for some time and I began to realize
that this was for real. It wasn't painful, but I could feel the heavy weight.
So in prayer I bound it and rebuked it, and it went away. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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