832. Occurrence, Vision, and Prophecy given to Raymond
Aguilera on 22 November 1995 at 8:15 PM.
During a Christian prayer meeting of about twenty plus people, the Lord showed me a small segment of Prophecy #154, and instructed me to tell this Occurrence.
>>>>>154. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 July 1992 at 5:37 PM.
I don't know.... I just don't know! I feel like I am right smack in the middle of a War. I just don't know whether to go on praying or to stand still or to hang it up. It's like you're in the middle of something beyond your comprehension. The Lord is showing me stuff.
I see a vision of a Ram. No, it's two Rams. They are locking horns. They are hitting each others head extremely hard. I hear this sound echoing, as they're trying to crack each others skull. What does this mean?<<<<<
Almost three years later, I can still see and hear the two Rams hitting each others head extremely hard with the echoing sounds bouncing off the canyon's walls as they tried to crack each others skull.
Then the next thing the Lord showed me was a large single
Eye Ball looking down from Heaven. As I was looking at it, the eye somehow
turned and looked down toward the earth.
Then I saw the Lord holding a SMALL American Flag. It
looked like a toy flag, and He waved it in His left Hand.
All of a sudden a large bottomless Sink Hole appeared,
and all kinds of objects started falling into it.
The next thing is extremely hard to explain because the Lord related to me that the United States was going to war. But the communication wasn't words or thoughts, He told my spirit directly, without words or by placing thoughts in my mind. I don't know how He did it, or how to explain it, other than what I have said.
After I received this Occurrence-Prophecy, the Power Presence of the Lord was so strong that it left me shaken and overwhelmed. I had to leave the prayer meeting. At the present time, I am having a hard time keeping my balance in the flesh. I wish.., I knew how to explain all of this. It's almost like your spirit gets charged up and your physical body falls apart all at the same time. Your body feels like its going to explode from the inside out. It's not only physically exhausting, but you feel so alone. I mean totally ALONE!! There seems to be no one in the whole universe there except the Lord. That's great for your spirit, but your flesh is left in the middle of nowhere with no one there that could ever understand what you are experiencing. Somehow my body senses that it has no chance of living, and that it's doomed.
I felt like.., just driving to some secret place and hiding.
I guess.., I just wanted to be alone to think this out, but I had no place
to go. At the present time, I am in overwhelming pain that is affecting
my spirit. It's Thanksgiving morning, but I feel.., I am in the middle
of nowhere. May the Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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