717. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 April
1995 at 10:06 AM. in Spanish.
Yes, Reymundo, yes. The laughter is of the devil, the laughter. The laughter is of the devil. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? It has arrived the laughter of the devil. He thinks a lot of himself. He believes he can make fun of his God. But God, who made all, the world , the stars, all that is. He is going to hit the laughter. He is going to hit the devil with the Force of the Holy Spirit. For no one can laugh at God.
Did you hear Me? It has arrived, the Hand, the Force of God, of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. It has arrived, the things of Heaven. It has arrived; all that is in the Bible, to the point. Here comes the match; the match of God. Did you hear Me, people of the world? You have to stop; this minute, seeking man, seeking the devil. And you have to seek God, who made all. For time is running out. You have to open your eyes.
You have to read the Bible from the beginning until it is finished. I don't want you jumping from here to there. I want you to begin it and I want you to finish it. Completely! Did you hear Me, people of the world? FOR IF YOU DON'T DO IN THAT WAY. The devil is going to eat you. I tell you the Truth, exactly. He is going to eat you in the head first. Like a snake. For you didn't open your eyes and ears, and seek God; the One who wrote the Bible. You can't read what you want. You have to read all it, from the beginning to the end. You can't choose to read this and that.
DID YOU HEAR ME? That's the manner of the devil. That's the manner of man. I tell you clearly! I tell you to the point! I tell you with Force! For if you don't do what I tell you. You are going to suffer. You have to break all that the churches have taught you. You have to break your hard head. You have to point your nose, your eyes, your ears, all of your body, WITH ALL OF THE FORCE THAT YOU HAVE, toward My Son Jesus, your Christ. And in that way you will save yourself. For some it's going to be very hard, for others it's going to be very easy, but you have to do it. For if you don't do it, the devil is going to eat you.
Men cannot save you. Churches cannot save you. The devil cannot save you. Only My Son Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, with the Father, with the all the Force that there is. That's the only chance that you have. Seek My Son, read the Bible, from the beginning until it stops and you will save yourself. For here comes the day of man. For here comes the day of the church. Here comes the day of the devil, to fool you, to cheat you. If you have brains, if you have the Love of the Father, if you have the Love of the Son, if you have the Love of the Holy Spirit, you have to do it, to the point, all that I have told you.
For it has arrived, the calamity of the world, of all that you know, of all that you touch. I am telling you in seriousness. I am telling you with My Heart. It has arrived, all that I have told you in the Bible. But if you haven't read the Bible from the beginning to the end, you're not going to know. Did you hear Me? Did you hear Me? Seek Me!, if you want to save yourself. For the time that you believed you had, you don't have. The money that you believed you had. You're not going to have. The joy that you believed you needed isn't going to help you.
Did you hear Me? It has arrived the calamity of the world. Everyone is going to feel the force of the devil, the Force of God. You can't escape. You can't hide. For if you don't seek Me the devil will eat you. This is CLEAR! This is to the POINT! Don't say that I didn't tell you! This is the God of the TRUTH, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. This is your Father. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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