552. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 September 1994 at 6:14
AM. in Spanish.
Yes, Reymundo! It has arrived, the little things of little minds. The crowns of Europe are going to stop. Yes! The post of the devil is going to become larger in the coming months and more pointed. For the devil has begun to run with a fever. What I told you about Korea and Canada is correct. But things are also going to start in Thailand. Watch Thailand! For the fever of Thailand is going to start. Yes! Yes! In the countries that had the CAUSES of the devil are going to start. Watch the things of North America. They are going to go crazy.
Yes! This is your Father. The One who made all, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The match is going to start in South America, in Argentina. For the devil is going to want to stop God in Argentina, with the bullet, with the word. Yes! All the governments of the world are deaf of God, and none of them are pointed toward Heaven, the governments and the people, that look for the force.
I don't know why the people of the Body of My Son are so deaf? But it's not important for what I have said is going to happen. If they want to go to the pit, it's their choice. For the governments of the world are not going to help them, to save them, for all the days that there are days. They can't even save themselves, but everything is going in the manner that is in the Bible, and if you want to know, OPEN IT, and read it, in the manner of God.
Yes, Reymundo! I am going to save the people of the Body of My Son and I am going for the Body. For the elders of the Body of My Son are blind and deaf. What a shame that I have to go around them. But nothing has changed from years passed, when My Son came to your world Reymundo. The elders believe they are god, and the low ones have the hunger of God. What a Shame! But those things aren't problems for your God. For He knows all. He knows the ways to do the things of God, in the manner of God. So don't worry about the elders of the church of God. I will correct them, correctly and to the point.
I want you to seek the lowly ones. The ones that have the hunger. The ones that are seeking the reasons and the things of God. For they are not dumb. They know the things that the elders are saying, are not straight. They know more than the elders give them credit. That's why many people don't go to church. For they recognize the elders of the church of God, and they have more brains than the elders. For they are not seeking the word of man. They don't have their chest sticking out. They are seeking the PURE WORD OF GOD, and the PURE MANNER of God. They don't need the help of the elders for there's the Holy Spirit helping them.
And all will go well in the countries with the lowly people, with the pit of the devil. All will be filled, the ones that are going to Heaven and the ones that are going to the pit, all will go well, Reymundo. It's going in the manner of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the ONLY GOD.
Yes, Reymundo! All the things of the world are going to get hotter,
the governments, with the demons, with the climates, the things of man
are going to become hotter; for they want to burn with Word of God. Yes!
It has arrived the war of the world pointed toward the pit. (over)
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