537. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 August 1994 at 7 AM.
in Spanish.
The Scrub Board, look at the Scrub Board, the Scrub Board of Heaven. Yes, the Scrub Board of Heaven has arrived. The One that's going to clear all that is filthy, all that is of the devil. The Scrub Board has arrived. Point your noses straight and directly at My Son Jesus, and We will help you, with all that is clean, with all that is from Heaven, with all that is from the Father, and of the Holy Spirit. There's My Son ready with all the soldiers of Heaven. He is fighting with all the devils. He is cleaning all with the Scrub Board. The Scrub Board of Heaven with the Force of Heaven.
I tell you with tears My sons and daughters. Time is running out and you're doing nothing. I am getting anxious because you don't want to wake up. You have to put on your armor. You have to learn to pray. You have to learn to know My Son, to know the Communion. You have to begin to know the Holy Spirit. How can you go to Heaven? The Ladder is very high. You have to begin to pray. You have to begin to help your brothers and sisters for here comes the devil.
Yes! I know that you don't believe Me. But what's going to happen, when the devil hits you, you are going to know, what I told you was the truth. I believe you like to learn the hard way. What a shame! For I want to save you from all the suffering, and it's so easy. But if you want to learn that way, I am going to let you to see if the devil will hit your brains.
You and I know that nothing in this world is easy. This world is the world of suffering. When the devil came, all that he touched became filthy. Even today everything is filthy, everything became hard. For all of the devil is filthy, but I am there with My Hands. There's My Son with His Hands. There's the Holy Spirit with His Hands. There We are, the Three of Us, with the Love of Heaven to save everything that is of ours.
For We are going to close this world, and We want to prepare everything that is filthy that's ours. You have to prepare. You have to pray. You have to seek. You have to show your sons and daughters that there is a God. The One that Loves you with all of Heaven.
What a shame! What a shame! If you read this Prophecy and you don't do a thing. I am going to Cry the minute you read it and you don't do a thing, and you remain asleep. This minute that you are reading it, I am reading your heart, to see if you are going to seek Me, to see if you will pray, to see if you eat the Communion, to see if you have a serious heart. For the things that I am telling you this minute are serious. I am reading your mind right now, this minute, to see if you're going to seek Me. I am reading your heart to see if you have the hunger for the things that are straight. This minute I am reading your heart to see if you want to be healed, of the mind, of the worries of the world, of your family, of all that there is in front of your nose.
But what a shame if in two minutes after you have finished reading this nothing touched you, and nothing changed you. But I am going to know, and I am going to give you another Prophecy if you don't change, and then another, and then another. And if you are still dead, and you don't want to change because you are lazy, I am going to leave you for My Things are not dead. For I am the God of the living of the ones that want things straight. My Son and I and the Holy Spirit are alive. We are there in front of your nose. Everything that is alive I am going to take to Heaven with My Son and the Holy Spirit.
All that is dead I am going to cut from the branch, and I am going to throw it into the flames of the pit. Then you can sleep with your brothers, the ones that are lazy, the ones that don't have the time for their God; the King of Kings; the Father; the Holy Spirit. But if you have the hunger of Heaven, pray and pray, and repent. And I will take your hand and We will run to Heaven rapidly. For I will know that you are Mine.
But before We run to Heaven I want you to take the sisters and the brothers by the hands in that way We can all run together like one Body of My Son. Did you hear Me? There are brothers and sisters right next to you that are dead too. They don't know a thing of Heaven. All they know is what is filthy. All they know are the things of the devil. You have to tell them the Word with the Love of Heaven. Then I will read their hearts to see if they are serious, of all of Heaven, of all of the Father, of all of the Son, of all of the Holy Spirit. For We are going to live for all the days that are days.
All that you see, all that you touch, all that is in front of you, isn't going to there. It's going to the pit. All that you see is not permanent. It isn't. It's here only for a little while then it will go. All the things of Heaven will be there for all the time there is time. Yes, My sons and daughter.
Yes! Look at the Bible, the book of John, chapter 11 verse 1 through 44. Read it, how My Son resurrected his friend. He was dead for days, and with the Force of the Holy Spirit, and with the Force of the Love of the Father, He lifted him up. He was dead and hard, but nothing of the stars, of the world could stop My Son. For when He says, "Get up." It lives. They have to get up and live. For God has the Force of Force. Did you hear Me? Read the Book of John.
Yes, it has arrived the things of Heaven, the things of the Bible. The
End has arrived. Hurry up! Wake up! Read the Book if you want to save
yourself. This is your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, with
the things of Heaven. Yes! We are going to resurrect everything that is
dead, everything that is ours. The time has arrived. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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