514. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 August 1994 at 2:05
PM. in Spanish
Mister. Mister. The covenant is going to be complete when My Son comes. Yes, mister it has arrived the day of the covenant. The covenant that I gave to your fathers. It has arrived the covenant, but the work is not yet done, the work of My Son. That's why, I want you to work harder with the Force of the Holy Spirit, in praying, in the Communion, in looking for your sons and your brothers that don't know the Word of God.
You have to work harder, more direct, and more to the point for the day of the covenant has arrived. I am telling you with My Lips clearly and to the point. This is your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. I am telling you with Force. I am telling you to the point, the covenant, the covenant, the covenant. Remember the covenant. It has arrived the covenant of God. The covenant is going to be complete, and I want you to open your eyes and ears if you are of the covenant, the covenant of the Blood, the covenant of My Word.
Remember the covenant of years passed, and of years passed that I told your fathers. But you My sons and daughters, you have arrived at the end of the covenant. You have arrived at the end of the covenant. You have arrived at the end of the covenant with the Force of God I tell you the truth. Make yourself strong for it is almost complete, all that is in the Bible, all that I have said to you with My Word from the covenant of your fathers of the past.
You have to take the Word to all the world in the manner of God. You have to bury all the bad, all the sins you have, you have to go humbly, but you have to go with the Force of the Holy Spirit. For I know the manner of man; they think a lot of themselves; they believe they are god. That's the manner of man, the heart of man and I, your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit want you to go humbly. I don't like the chest sticking out. I want you to go humbly, with the hunger of God, with the Force of God, with the Blood of God, and I will direct you and I will point you with the Force of the Holy Spirit.
For the war that is around you is clear and to the point. There are some that are going to fall because of the war. And there are others that are going to become very valiant with the Word of God and no one is going to stop them. There are others that are going to become frightened and are going to run and hide. For they don't have the nerve of God. They just have the chest, the chest of man, the lips of man, all the things that are filthy of man.
They aren't going to plant the seeds like My Son told them too. For they seek the money. They seek the force. They seek people to make them god. Oh, what a shame! What a shame! For they don't know the manner of God. They don't know how to make themselves humble. They don't know how to suffer with the cross. They just want everything placed in their mouth, all the gifts, all the money, all the things that are filthy from the devil. They want all, but they don't want to work in the manner of God. They don't want to seek the Word in the manner of God and then they change the Word to fill their stomachs with the things of the world.
They want all of the devil in the Name of God, in the Name of My Son, they seek the devil and I am going to help them. I am going to give them the devil for that's what they want, with their heart, with their mind, with their force. I don't care if they use the Name of My Son if they seek the devil I am going to give them to the him, the devil. For the filthy things are of the devil. They are not of the Father. They are not of Jesus. They are not of the Holy Spirit.
They believe they're very intelligent. The devil is going to show them how intelligent they are. For I am going to turn My Back on them. For they have their chest sticking out in the manner of the devil, in the manner of man. I don't care if they use the Name of My Son. For I am going to turn My Back for I read the heart, the heart that they have in their pocket.
I tell you the truth. I tell you to the point. I don't care if you are a pastor or if you are a worker of the Bible. I don't care, for if you don't seek My Son clearly and to the point, with the Heart of God. I don't know you. You are not mine! You are of the devil just like a demon, a demon that does the work of the devil. For I read the Heart. I read all that filthy also. I know a demon when I see one, and I don't care if they use the Name of My Son. For I read them, with the things that they do. With the clean Heart, with the clean Body, with the clean Mind, I know the things, you can't fool Me.
You believe you are so intelligent, but you are not, you are dumb. For you believe if you just throw the Name of My Son, you will save yourself. All the devils are laughing at you for you are dumb. You're more dumb than the dummies. For they know, the Father, the Son, all that is with the Holy Spirit is clean and clear and pure and correct. They just laugh at you, and you believe you are great. Oh, oh, what a shame, that you're so dumb. And this Word is for the higher up to the low ones of the church of My Son Jesus.
What a shame! What a shame! That you never learned the manner of God. So many hours you spent studying the Bible and you didn't learn a thing. And people give you papers telling you that you know so much and you know nothing. Because the paper says you know, people believe you. But My Son Jesus is going to correct, you in the world, and in the world that is coming, when your knee is going to hit the floor. He is going to choke you with your tongue until your eyes pop out for you are so intelligent. Yes! And He is going to give you a paper and the paper is going to send you to the pit. For you are so intelligent that you didn't read the Bible clearly, with the Heart of God, with the Heart of the Son, with the Heart of the Father, with the Heart of the Holy Spirit.
You can't win for you have already lost, with the mind, with the heart, with the head of stone. The devil ate you and you didn't even know that he bit you with his teeth for you have your chest so far out. That there you are walking hand and hand with the devil, and you don't even know it. What a shame that you are so dumb and stupid.
All that you had to do is eat the Communion, seek your brothers and sisters, with a pure heart, with the Love of Jesus, with the Love of the Father and the Holy Spirit. And help the ones that need help; and Love the ones that need Love, with the Love of Heaven, with all that is good, with all that is correct. And what did you do? You ran and looked for the word of man, and you took and hugged the devil. And I had to send you to the pit for you didn't learn a thing.
The seeds that fell with the rocks didn't have the roots for they did not have good soil to grow. Here comes the sun (heat) of the devil and he ate you. He ate you, and you ran after him laughing with joy, clearly and to the point.
You know nothing, but one day doesn't pass that I didn't cry for you.
For I know you don't have the brains that you needed, but if you want to
repent and clean what you made filthy. You still have a chance. Correct
the ways that you are using, seek My Son with the clean things, with the
things of your Father, with the things of My Son, with the Force of the
Holy Spirit. And I will hug you and kiss you. Yes!, and I will take you
to Heaven with Me, and We will talk there, with all the people that are
going in the manner of God. It has arrived the day of suffering.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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