512. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 July 1994 at 8:02 AM.
in Spanish.
Yes, the man is very evil, the man of the bank. The man that eats people alive. Yes! He is very evil. With his hands in his pockets he sends the words, and the words eat the people alive, the man of the bank, how mean. But My Hands are going to hit him. They're going to hit him hard, directly, and to the point; for he thinks he is god, all the men of the banks. Yes! They believe they are god, and they want to eat the sheep of My Son with the teeth of the devil. I am going to hit them, and I am going to hit them HARD! How they hit My Sheep that didn't have a chance.
It has arrived: "The day of the bank. The day of the money." But I am going to stop the money of the world, the money of the United States. I am going to stop it in the manner of God. We will see how strong they are, the men of the banks. They are going to suffer. Mark My Word! The men of the banks are going to suffer for they use the word of the devil, in the manner of the devil. Did you hear Me, men of the banks? Here comes your day. Place it on your Calendar. It has arrived: "The end of you."
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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