495. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 June 1994 at 7:15 PM.
in Spanish.
Yes, Reymundo, he is the older man, the bad, the bad man with the gun. He is going to want to shoot a bullet at the Elder man. The bad virgin man, he is mad one, he is mad for the Elder knows more than him in the Bible, in all of God. That's why the virgin man with the gun is going to seek the Elder man. For he doesn't know a thing, and he has a demon of the devil and the demon tells him things, and he believes everything the demon says. That's why he purchased the gun. That's why he seeks the Elder man, the one who knows everything about the Bible. The one who knows the manner of God.
Write it down, Reymundo, write it. For in that way the Elder man will read the Word of God with your hand. In that way, he will know that here comes the virgin man with the demon, with the gun. But tell the Elder man not to worry for I am going to protect him with My Hand, with My Angels, and nothing is going to hit him. For My Angels know the manner, the orders, of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
There is going to be a day that the Elder man is going to speak with many people and the virgin man with the gun is going to be there with his ears, with his wide eyes looking for a chance to shoot his bullet at the Elder man. But look, the things of God are the things of God, and nothing of the demons can touch the things of God. For the end has arrived, the end of everything and I am going correct the things that need correcting.
The Elder, the Elder is the Pope. The Elder is the Pope that the virgin man wants to kill. The Elder is the Pope. Tell the Pope to protect himself for here comes the virgin man with the gun with the teeth of the devil. Yes, Reymundo, it is the Pope. They want to kill him, the demons. Yes! They want to kill him. Tell him to protect himself for here comes the day of the demons. Here it comes, the day of the demons.
My little son, write what I have said to you. For here comes the day that the demon is going to look for him. Write it! Write what I have said clearly for your Father with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit does not Lie. Here comes the man, the virgin man, with the gun, with red eyes, with the fever of the devil. It has arrived, the day of the bullet. It has arrived, the day of the bullet. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? It has arrived.
Yes, yes, yes. I found. I found it there. It is there the things of your God. He gave you the manner correctly and to the point. For the devil is loose, with the demons, with their teeth pointed at the Body, at the Throat of My Son, at the Church of My Son.
Yes, the day of the Fiesta of the Moon in October, in October, in October. Tell the Pope, tell the Pope that he has to pray, and seek his God in the manner of Christ. For the manner of Christ is the manner of the Father and the manner of the Holy Spirit. The Three are One. But everything is in My Hands. All is in My Hands. Write it Reymundo, what I have said to you.
Look, write everything that I tell you in the manner that I tell you. For there are many elders of the Bible that are seeking the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Tell them all; that I will protect them in the manner of God. But I want them to point their nose, their eyes, their ears toward Heaven, toward My Son, toward the Holy Spirit and in that way they will find the Father. For things are going to become harder and all the Elders that say the Word are going to suffer. For the demons are going to seek them in the manner of the devil, but tell them to make themselves strong.
Write it, Reymundo. Tell them they have to make themselves strong and to read the Bible, to pray and to pray. Tell them to eat the Communion with a clean heart, with a clean mind, with a clean spirit, with a clean body for the day has arrived of the teeth of devil. They are going to want to munch the Head of My Son. That's why the elders have to gather with the Word of God. They have to do everything clean and clearly with the Mind of My God, Christ, your King of Kings. For everything has arrived that I have told you in the Bible. Did you write it, Reymundo? Tell Me if you wrote it down like I told you. For it has arrived, the teeth of the devil in the manner of the devil, and the demons that do the word of the devil.
Elders of the world hear Me! Hear Me! This is your Father with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit. Arm yourselves and make yourselves strong for here comes the grinning teeth of the dogs, of the devils of all that is dirty. If you have to hide, hide yourself, but pass along the Word of My Son to everyone that wants to hear. But if you have to hide yourself, hide yourself. I will protect you with My Angels, with My Word, with the Holy Spirit, with all that is clean, with all that is good.
It has arrived. Read the Prophecies and study. Study the Word of your God. For the days where things go easy are finished and the hard days have now started. The days of the blood, the days of all that is going to die, all that the devil wants to eat, with the war, with the bombs. With Tears, I tell you the Truth. It has arrived.
Did you hear Me? Open your ears. Remember the day is going to arrive that you are going to have to hide yourself. For if you do not hide yourself the devil will eat you. Did you hear Me? The devil will eat you if you don't hide yourself. For here comes the soldiers in the manner of the devil, with everything that's dirty, with everything that is pointed toward the pit.
I know if you are Mine you are going to hear Me and you are going to
do what I tell you. For only the ones that hear Me with a clean heart,
with a clean head, with clean ears are Mine. The rest I am going to turn
loose and the devil is going to do what he wants with them. For they didn't
hear My Word clearly in the manner of God, your Christ, with the Holy Spirit
and the Father. It has arrived-the day of suffering. That's all I am going
to tell you on this date, on this day, with My Prophet, Reymundo.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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