434. Occurrence, Vision and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on
17 April 1994 at 11:13 AM.
As the airplane was landing in Detroit, the Lord gave me a vision. The Lord showed me some kind of bottomless transparent sink hole with water flowing into it along the sides. Later I could see some kind of debris behind the water.
The Lord said, "It is done."
We picked up the rental car and proceeded to Toronto. And as we were driving on highway 401, about 100 km southwest of Mississauga, Canada, my warfare prayer language started up without warning. So we stopped the car and took my praise tape out of the trunk and placed it into the car tape recorder and the warfare started once again, as we proceeded toward Mississauga. We were no more than five minutes on the highway when I got hit in the throat, which made me gag, for I stopped breathing, within a few seconds my lungs filled with air, and the warfare proceeded. It got louder and louder, and with power with that Japanese samurai tongue, which I have heard so many times.
During this battle the Lord showed me a torch.
Then the Lord said, "Swing it and fight your way through, for nothing can stop you. Swing the torch and fight, Ray!"
I could see this lit torch, in the spirit, in front of me and it was swinging from side to side, as my Christian brother prayed, in English, and drove the car, as I prayed with all kinds of strange sounds coming out of my prayer language.
We listened to praise music as we both prayed, through this demonic occupied 20 km wide perimeter. The Lord placed the impression in my spirit that the area was blocked by Him, so the demonic reinforcements could not enter the war zone of Mississauga, and that I had to fight my way in.
The impression from the Lord was that He was protecting this area so the outside demonic reinforcements could not help the isolated demons inside the perimeter. The demons inside could only fight with what they had inside the perimeter, and that the territorial spirits inside were cut off and were left to there own resources.
We arrived at Mississauga about 30 minutes before the Vineyard Fellowship Sunday evening service started. I mentioned to my Christian brother that the enemy had taken me out of the war before I even got to Mississauga. For my lungs were sore and my voice was almost gone, from the warfare we had encountered an hour earlier, when we entered the protected perimeter. I was totally wasted.
We quickly washed up and proceeded to the Sunday church service. The service had already started so we took seats in the back of the church. I tried to stand and worship, but I was too exhausted, so I sat down and tried to pray for instructions, and almost fell off my seat asleep several times.
I kept telling myself, "Make yourself strong. I am here to intercede, not to sleep."
I took a deep breath, in my seated position, and the Lord gave me a Prophecy.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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