410. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 February 1994 at
9:30 AM.
During Church service the Lord told me to set up my camping tent and sleep outside. This worried me, for the sky looked as if a large storm was due that morning. Then the Lord told me to give three dollars to the new missionary girls at the church. All I had was four dollars, so I gave three dollars, which left me a dollar for gas so I could get home, for I was out of gas. I had a sense the Lord was going to replace the money. As always, I had my doubts and asked for a confirmation because the weather didn't look very good.
Due to all the heavy warfare I had been in lately, I really didn't know if it was the Lord or the devil. So I prayed for a confirmation and the Lord just kept saying I want you to camp outside. So as I drove home, I still had doubts, and the Lord kept saying, "Do it, camp out." By the time I got home I was convinced that, if it was the Lord or not, He would protect me.
So when I got home after church, I hurriedly started sitting up my camping tent before the storm hit. For I wanted to set it up before the storm hit. As I started assembling the tent, I started looking for bricks to hold the plastic cover to protect my tent from the rain, in case my tent leaked. I was gathering bricks, to hold the ends of the plastic cover, and to my surprise I went to pick up a brick and found two brand new one dollar bills on the ground next to this brick.
It surprised me because the Lord had stressed that, "He would replace my money if I gave it to the girl missionaries at church." So I placed the bricks on my tent cover and went looking for more bricks. Then I found a third dollar on the ground next to another brick. When I saw this third dollar bill I was completely shocked, for the Lord had delivered again. At first I thought of asking my roommates if they had lost three dollars, but I remembered that the Lord had stressed He would replace my donation to the missionaries. So I didn't ask any of my roommates about the money and kept it as a gift from the Lord, for I was completely broke.
So I completed setting up my tent and went in the house and took a nap. I was tired, for I had been up all night working on the Prophecy Book. Later that afternoon, when I got up and started to work on the book, I noticed that the sky had cleared up and the storm clouds were gone.
It's amazing how the Lord tests you. He will take care of you, but He wants you to be obedient in all things. I felt I had to document this, for it's one of those little things that occurred that has built up my faith in the Lord for I know there are going to be more trials and tribulations ahead for me.
Note: A day later I did asked one of my roommates if he had lost any money and he said yes. So I gave him my new found three dollars, but "I still thank you Lord for your loving instructions. I Love you. Amen."
The Lord really had stated to camp out for only one day, but I camped out for three days just to prove to myself I could be obedient.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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