390. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 December 1993 at 7:24 PM.
in Spanish.
The Branch is here My son. The Branch is here now. It is ready to cut the pieces that are not mine. I will use the scissors of Heaven. I will use the scissors of your Father, of Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit. With the Scissors, I am going to cut the Branch in the places that need cutting, with all that is of Heaven, with the flames of Heaven, with the Father of Heaven, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am going to cut, and I am going to burn what is not clean on the Branch, and all that is dead. I am going to cut and I am going to burn with the Force of your Father, with the Force of the Son, with the Force of the Holy Spirit.
I tell you the Truth, Reymundo. The Day of cutting the Branch has arrived with the scissors of Heaven. For all that is going to happen. It has arrived, and I tell you with My Lips, My Clean Lips, and Clearly, the Day of cutting the Branch has arrived. Hear! Open your eyes and ears for when I will cut the Branch, it will hurt all the people that believe they know it all, but they know nothing for God made everything with His Lips, with His Word, with the Holy Spirit. I, The Father, "I" started what I started. It has arrived to the point, the Date that the Branch is going to be cut, with My Hands, with My Scissors, with My Word, with My Spirit.
The point has arrived make yourself strong, My Reymundo. For I am going to use you in the manner of God. You have to make yourself strong. You have to pray. You have to point everything that you have toward the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The things that I said I was going to give you, I am going to give you, and I tell you clearly, and to the point. For I don't say one thing and then do another. "These are the Words of your God." Did you hear Me, My Little Saint? For I am telling you the Word clearly, direct and to the point.
All the world is going to change. All the world is going to go up and down. All the world is going to be frightened. But the Body Of My Son, THE ONES that love My Son, with all of their heart, with all the flame of their heart, are going to save themselves, and THE ONES who are clean and pure are going to the CLOUD with My Son. The rest, with My Scissors, I am going to clean, the Branch, and they are going to know if they love Me, My Son, and the Holy Spirit, for My Scissors aren't going to miss a thing. They are going to cut all that needs to be cut. There are some that are going to die for My Son, and there are some that are going to save themselves for My Son.
You, My Little Son, I want you to write everything that I tell you in the manner of God. Don't worry about money. Don't worry about anything. Don't worry about the earthquake. Don't worry about anything that's going to happen, the storms, of the police, of the soldiers. I tell you clearly and to the point. You are going to see signs, in Heaven, in your body, in your friends, and the signs that are going to frighten the world. Signs of your Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, but I want you to think clearly and direct for the Scissors have arrived. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? It has arrived. Yes, it has arrived all that I have said to you.
Look My Little Son, the world is going to suffer. Everyone is going to suffer, and there are many that are going to break, in the mind, in the spirit, in the body. They are going to break, Reymundo. They are going to cry with tears for the Father, with tears to the Son, with tears to the Holy Spirit, and your heart is going to hurt to see these things this way. But I know Reymundo that I have trained you. I trained you how to see. I trained you how to hear the things of God, with the nerve of your Father, with the nerve of the Holy Spirit, with the nerve of everything that is of Heaven.
You are going to send the Word of God with the Force of God for I chose you. I chose you with My Lips, with My Mind, with My Son, with My Spirit. I know that you don't believe you can do what I have said, but I already know what is going to happen. You are going to do everything for I know what's going to happen. I know the force that you have, but make yourself strong. Make yourself strong, the Holy Spirit is going to show you the manner of the Father, and the Son.
Look Reymundo, I read your heart, that's all that is important, "Your Heart." I hear your tears. I see what you want. My Eyes are your eyes. You are now rested. I know, for I told you to rest, but look, We are going to start once again with the Force of God. I will tell you when and where to send the Prophecies, and they are going to leave with the Force of God. The Prophecies are going to hit some people real bad, and they are going to get mad with you, Reymundo. But don't worry for everything is in My Hands. You just do what I tell you with the Nerve of the Father, with the Nerve of the Son, with the Nerve of the Holy Spirit all will go well.
I know, I hear your tears, Reymundo. I know all that you have, the fears of money, the fear of the body, the fear of the nerve, but look I chose you and when I choose something, it is well, it is direct, and it is pointed. I will help you, but I am going to show you things of miracles, in the mind, in your spirit, and in the world, and you are going to heal people. I tell you the truth. "You are going to heal people," but look the war, the war around you is going to begin again, but don't worry about the bad spirits, they cannot do a thing. You just point your nose, your spirit, your mind, all that you have toward My Son Jesus. The Holy Spirit will show you, and "I" have you in My Hands, your Father.
Did you hear Me, My Little Angel? It is there, all that I said to you. It
is there, make yourself strong My son for We are going to start once again.
We have started. Clean your mind. Clean your heart. Clean all, and point
it toward My Son, and pray, and pray, and pray, and I will show you in the
Bible, with My Word, with My Saints, with My Angels the things of Heaven,
the things of your Father.
Did you hear Me? Eat the Communion everyday. I read your heart, My Reymundo,
I read it clearly. Don't worry. Don't fear for you can do it. For I have
told you, "You can do it." Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. It has started. Now that
you have rested. I am going to throw you into the war once more. Remember
arm yourself, and pray, and pray. For the fighting has started with all that
I said to you. For I am going to place you in the war once more. Did you
hear Me? I am telling you clearly, and to the point.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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