337. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 July 1993 at 9:10 PM. in Spanish.
It is there. It is there My son. It is over there. I heard your tears. I heard your prayers. Over there, there it is; All that I told you; All that I promised you, it is over there. It is ready, with the advice of God, with all the advice of Heaven, of the Stars, of the World. It is over there. Eat, eat all the tears. Eat all that is of the World. For what I have told you is going to happen. What I have said to you is from Heaven, from the World, of the Stars, of your Father, of the Son. Make yourself Strong for here comes the day of persecution of all that are going to suffer. You have to tell everyone the Word of God, of your Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. For the day of suffering has arrived.
Remember the Words that you have written. Remember all the things of God. You, and your sons, your wife has arrived. All the money you need has arrived. All the promises that I told you about have arrived. It all has arrived. The World is going to be frightened with the Flame from Heaven, with the Flame of all that is going to happen. The devil is now pointed with his teeth sticking out, with his wet tongue cleaning his teeth, with a drooling mouth, with all the water from his mouth. Oh My son, My son, My son, the day of Heaven has arrived, of the Stars, of the World, of your Father, of My Son, of the Holy Spirit. It has arrived.
Write everything I have said to you, and clearly and to the point. For here comes My Son. Here comes My Hand directly, and to the point to hit all that is evil. Make yourself strong. Tell your male and female friends to make themselves strong for here comes the Hammer of Heaven. The Hammer that is going to place the Box; the Box to bury all that is evil; all that is of the devil.
I want you to go and buy more food, and store it. For you are going to need it. For here comes the day you won't be able to buy food, or anything. For there won't be a thing to buy. I want you to buy food, and things to drink, and wait for the Hammer from Heaven, the Flames from Heaven. My Hand from Heaven is going to put everything directly, and to the point in the Box, in the Box of the Pit of the devil.
Did you Hear Me, Reymundo? It has arrived, all things that I told you. Everything is going to happen exactly as I have said to you. It has arrived, but it is going to be easy for you, and your wife, and your family. For you are My saint, with your male and female friends, for you all did what I told you. You looked for everyone on the streets. You looked for everyone that was hungry, the ones that needed clothes, the ones that slept in the street. You and your friends are going to do everything that I have told you. For you people hear the Word of your Father, you hear the Word of the Son, the King of Kings, the Word of the Holy Spirit.
I want you all to gather in houses, and pray, and pray until you cannot talk. Pray until you cannot walk; until you cannot do a thing except cry to your Father, your God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For everything that is in the Bible is going to happen, and it is close, as close as your nose, with Tears I tell you the Truth. This is your Father, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Make yourself strong My Reymundo. Make yourself strong. For the Body of My Son is going to want to eat you with stones, with their hardened hearts, with their hard heads. For they don't want to hear the Word of your Father. They have God in a Box, and they have a lid on the Box shut tight, and they don't know how to open the lid to look for their God. The One that made all the stars, the world, all that is, all that you see, all that you touch. They have been in their Box for so many years that they don't hear, and they don't know how to hear the Word of God when He is in front of them.
For they think a lot of themselves. They think more of themselves than all that is. They think they know more than God. They think they know more than all, but I, the God of Heaven, of the world, I am going to show them who is God. And if they open the Box and if they look for Me; I will show them the LOVE OF GOD, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But if they fight with Me, I will show them My Hand Directly and to the Point. For I am going to clean everything that is Not Clean. And Clearly I tell you these things. For the heart of the Body of My Son is Lost. Everyone is going every which way, and the devil, when he entered the Body; he used everything he could to send them every which way.
Oh what a shame. What a shame. What a shame for I am there in front of them with My Hands extended to Hug them, and to Kiss them. And all that they know is to throw stones at the Prophets that I send them, at the Word. That's all they know is to fight with the God that made everything, the world, the stars. They jump, and they dance on top of the graves of My Prophets.
Oh, Oh, Oh, how many years have I sent you My Word, and how many years have you closed your ears, and eyes? But the day has arrived; the day of cleaning all that is dirty in the Body, in the World, all that is of the devil, and exactly I tell you the truth, and to the point.
Don't worry of what they tell you and show you. For I am going to correct everything. You just point your nose toward Heaven, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. And study the Bible like I tell you and show, and tell all the Lambs and the Sheep to place their nose into the Bible, and I will point them toward Heaven. For the word of man is the word of man. And the word of man is nothing, and it cannot save a thing. It just can point you toward the Pit. Hear Me exactly and to the point. I tell you everything Clearly, with My Lips, with My Tears.
I want to Hug you. I want to Kiss you. But the day has arrived that I told you in the Bible. It has arrived. My Reymundo, I liked everything you have done, your tears, your prayers, of you and of your friends. I need to point the whole Body toward Heaven for things are going to become harder in the coming days. That's why I am telling you these things exactly and to the point. For the Body of My Son has to hear if it wants to save itself. If it wants to bury its face, its head under the ground; they are going to get lost; and they are going to suffer.
For they point everything they have toward man, to all who think they know the Bible, and they all don't know a thing. They don't even know how to point their nose toward God, toward Heaven, with the Son. That's why this Word is for the Body of My Son and I want them, this minute to open the Bible, and to point their nose inside the pages, and I will show them the correct manner.
The Holy Spirit will show you. For all the people that are running the churches, are running every which way, and they all think a lot of themselves. They all believe they know it all, but they don't know how to look for God, with their nose, with their eyes, with their ears.
What a shame. What a shame for it has arrived, "The End." And they are going to suffer. What a shame. I will see you My son, I will call you again on another day with My Tears, I tell you these things Clearly, and to the Point, My Precious, My Beloved. Hurry, get up, you have to go to work. I gave you these jobs for I want you to fix yourself with your money, with the things I want you to buy.
Hurry My Saint, your wife is ready, the promises, everything that I told
you. Don't worry for your family, all of them are in My Hands. They are in
the Hands that are going to save the world, heaven, everything that is Clean.
Tell the same thing to your friends, but they have to look for Me with their
eyes, with their lips, with their nose, with their hearts. For there I am
in front of them with My Arm extended to Hug them and Kiss them. I love them
all. Now hurry, get up, you have to finish your job.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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