The 332 sound clip was edited (condensed)
to about 7 minutes of my original micro cassette recording tape.
There is some background noise on this
file. It is in English.
332. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 June 1993 at 1:56 AM.
I went to bed at twelve midnight and I can't seem to sleep. The warfare around me is so intense. Every time I try to sleep I have bizarre dreams. The enemy is trying to shut me up. I know the reality.
I found this old journal tape from 1991 this afternoon. I don't know how I misplaced it, but I started transcribing it today. I have finished about a third of it. These Prophecies are overwhelming, and I am getting tired. All day it has been warfare and warfare. I am documenting this occurrence because there is nothing else I can do in this warfare at the present time, but wait for the Lord to deliver me again. I hope the battle is over soon. I am sure the Angels are fighting very hard right now. I am just stuck in the middle, and there is nothing I can do but wait on the Lord. These are bizarre and heavy dreams, very demonic.
I wish there was something I could do. But I know this is out of my hands, and out of my league. This whole thing is out of my league. But the Lord promised that He would protect me. I just have to wait it out.
I remember before I went to bed. I said to myself, "Test the Lord." I said to the Lord, "Lord you are the Potter and I am the pot. I know you have said in the Bible not to test you, and I am afraid, but I would like to test the Power of the Holy Spirit.
You don't have to do it, but if You want. "I would like the birds to sing in my back yard." For I knew it was after midnight and the birds were asleep, but to my surprise, a single little bird began to sing. I could not believe my ears. So I asked the Lord again, "Lord I want to hear all kinds of birds to sing, and once again, a little later, a single bird sang or made some bird sounds. I still could not believe my ears. I don't know why I am such a doubting Thomas. I guess, I just don't really know this person called Ray Aguilera. But it has been a very, very bizarre day. I did a lot of work though, and I am really tired. "Well, Lord, I am taking you at your Word." So I prayed, I guess that's all I can do. "I love you." Over.
Later: I tried to break through this warfare with prayer. Now my left hand is stuck up into the air. I can't get it down. It is 2:04 AM., and I don't know what's going on but..., Maybe I better keep praying.
Later: My hand is frozen, and I can't open it. It is pointed at ninety degrees from the bed. My elbow is on the bed, and my arm is still in the air. My hand is in the shape of a fist. I can't open my fist and I can't bring it down. I keep trying, and trying, and nothing happens.
Later: My hand is free, with the Lord's help. I believe the prayers
broke the warfare. "Thank you Lord." This stuff is bizarre. I think I'll
just keep praying.
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